Nerdy Hive Goals

nerdy hive goals.png

What's up fellow HIVERS!

Hope you are having a crush-tastic day so far!!


I'm stoked! Got in another HIIT workout this morning, which I look forward to posting with my @actifit submission later on today and more importantly; it's rest day for my fiancé Tiffany and me tomorrow - so there's that.

Wanted to take time to get a post together today and although I'm using the @peakd front end, because in all honesty; it's the one that works best for me, I'm posting in @leofinance, which I truly don't do enough of and need to get my ass in gear on doing so:


I figure, if my post doesn't center around enough numbers; I just don't feel comfortable doing it, so I make sure to always keep that in mind; when I go into doing a post in LEO.


I was contemplating the last few days about what are my goals on HIVE. Sure, we all want to maintain the status quo by showing up daily, stacking, creating content, providing value to the blockchain, etc., but I also know that folks put out some serious goal charts that frankly are very impressive; to say the least.

Like most folks, I want to benefit long-term with life changing earnings to ride off into the sunset living as comfortably as possible; especially that I'm on the other side of 50. Not many folks believe I am 55 going on 56, because of my workouts; but it is my reality.


Ok, so I'm still lagging behind many; but I am not completely bummed out, because I only been truly active on HIVE; since February 2021.


Although, I have earnings and investments in many other projects and tokens including LEO, the four above are probably where I'm in the best shape; to build on and frankly where my focus is on presently.

Now, I am going the safe route with my goal setting; because I yet not know, how trajectories will fall into place and in some cases things could just explode, just by continuing to show up daily, putting in the effort and not worry about certain things that can drag a person down mentally in this type of environment - especially when it comes to price and rewards.

So for the remainder of the year:

I have plenty of time to reach 3000 HIVE

I would like to get to 1000 HBD, which definitely is feasible.

I'm thinking 25,000 ListNerds Staked is possible.

and let's say about 35,000 CTP Stake within ListNerds an outside chance, but definitely; doesn't look impossible.


My ListNerds results have been off the charts.

This morning alone, I had my biggest ListNerds claim yet:


This helps maintain one of my steadfast goals of remaining in the Top 10 on both CTP and ListNerds Richlists:


Truth be told, LISTNERDS injected a major boost to my earnings in not only CTP and ListNerds tokens, but faster HIVE and HBD earnings and in some cases - higher.

It's a simple formula, where I'm using the first blockchain mailer ever to alert other ListNerds members about my HIVE posts or any other message, I many want others to know about - like someone else's kick ass post, etc.

This has increased my engagement on my posts ten fold and it has gotten me more upvotes within ListNerds and on HIVE, with the most important aspect of all this; building relationships with folks that have become supportive of my content and of me; as I try to do the same for others.

This organically helps with your growth on HIVE or anything else you believe in, that you want others to know about and perhaps join with you; as not having to sell them on it - just by creating a line of communication that becomes of trust.


You see, I come from the off-chain online marketing side of things and what becomes immediately evident when we come onto HIVE; it changes our mindset to grow the community instead of pitching to the community. At least, if you are not set in tunnel vision mode.


Right before I came onto HIVE and right before leaving the online marketing arena the first time around, personal branding and social media were becoming critical to building trust with potential customers.

When I came back to online marketing the second time around, it was evident that it was a must or it would be a tougher climb; where the climb was already monumental.

I pivoted my online marketing to be more community build based with HIVE being the destination through the messages to my subscribers and although it's a much tougher sell and that boggles the mind, but the trickle will become an influx; soon enough.


The lead capture above is over a month old, maybe a bit longer; but definitely not something I've been rotating at off-chain ad sites for a very long time.

At least for the last 30 days, I've generated 41 subscribers:


and 67 total subscribers, since the beginning of rotating the Lead Capture page above:


So although, I changed my message to fit more of what I want to put in front of potential subscribers; the numbers are not so bad; considering the pivot.


Before I forget and to change topic just a tiny bit, I do want to mention, that I recently upped my HIVE Power Delegation from 100 to 1000 for LEO; making it the most HP that, I've delegated so far:

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As I also have delegation goals as well.

I still have to increase my list of goals, but not by too much; as I don't want to undervalue my efforts on those that are in the higher range for me; at the moment, but definitely have a few more to grow.

Let's Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

*HIVE Divider Courtesy of @doze

I'm an upgraded member and use the following services:


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