Continued Month Ending Upswings

It's a constant block of 15 days that go zipping by and I swear they move faster the older I get. We are already entering the second month of the year and the first one was like a blip.

Or was it?

There has been some positive things happening already this year, but what has always been consistently a good thing are the numbers here on the HIVE blockchain.

Remaining consistent and succinctly on HODL MODE has been the not so secret sauce, which has worked very well for me.

It's also not unique to me, because I've learned early on when I joined HIVE how important it was too follow that model for a successful long-term road towards what will differ among many of us - GOALS.

It was important, not to overcomplicate things and being a member of CTP was really precursor to joining the blockchain.

What is a personal and solid view of the numbers is that I've had probably less time to maneuver a lot of things that are going on and it's a good thing.

The workouts are going great, work has been busy although I'm not feeling totally secure that I'll be working fully remote for much longer and married life, but with an undeterred passion for my activity on HIVE.

The HIVE blockchain ecosystem is allowing for flexibility and fluidity with my activity.

The outlook for the year doesn't look as cloudy as it did going into it and I am just not speaking in personal terms only, but overall.

With that said, let's see how the added numbers look this round for yours truly.

I'm really optimistic about hitting the 5,000 HIVE POWER well before the end of 2023.

My HBD is increasing at very nice upward flow.

While my LEO POWER has made some strides. I increased my activity because of threads and on delegation much later than I would have wanted to, but when I did it became the project I delegate the most to.

I'm also more than half way to the 150 LEO I'm holding off from powering up until LPUD on the 15th, which will be my second participation, both this year.

I continue to stay in the Top 10 in both ListNerds Staked and ListNerds/CTP Staked, although using VEEWS has become more of my go to content discovery on HIVE there is still a more close-knit feel to the content discovery using ListNerds.

I have a better chance of discovering a wide range of content creators using VEEWS who I never encountered during my time on the blockchain and some new folks coming on, where on ListNerds, I get to share my content and curate content of many of the folks I've already have a common bond with or at the very least - familiarity.

It's the best of both worlds and why I don't completely neglect one for the other.

Now comes my email marketing efforts which results took a step back, because it's the one thing that I still consider important but can't give as much time to or better said the one thing I have to sacrifice when I have to skip something.

Thursday nights is pretty much the time I have carved out to work on my email marketing and of course that is piss poor if you have any expectations of growing a huge and proactive list.

BUT, I'm not going to sacrifice my HIVE activity, I'm not going to sacrifice my workouts and I have to give time to my family life not to mention I work 40 hours a week.

With all that said, a week doesn't go by where I don't get subscribers, because I've done enough the last couple of years to have a routine in place that still gets me sign-ups.

The first fifteen days of this month, I got 24 subscribers and for the latter part of the month I came up short of that with 15:

So my newest list where I abandoned promoting the other online marketing stuff and now focusing on bringing attention to the CTP universe and HIVE and HIVE dApps, I'm still keeping ahead with the numbers opposed to drop-offs and unverified, etc.

Basically, I went up 6 oppose to going down from the previous 326.

Last numbers update on the 15th of January:

The revised Lead Capture Page I'm rotating off chain:

Email Marketing Has Evolved


Let's Gooooooooooooooooo!!!

*HIVE Image in the Divider Courtesy of @doze

I'm an upgraded member and use the following services:


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