RE: Content

This feels a touch oversimplified, IMO.

The hyper short form content engine is borne of the advertising and data harvest cycle—more eyeballs/users = more ad revenue, hence all the gross social media algos that prioritize "engagement" which is maybe more accurately "engagement-at-all-costs-quality-be-damned."

Like any product, you need to find a market, and there is absolutely a market for longform content, and Hive need not exclude itself from those markets.

That said, mass adoption as a social platform definitely needs strategic thinking around that "lowest denominator" / "level playing field" idea. But—and this is a big but—the whole financial incentive system that underpins massively adopted systems is different on Hive. Vastly different. Data harvesting and ads and clogged sponsored stuff and influencer marketing... how much of that does Hive take onboard to fuel the adoption, how much do we eschew? It's a complex system of incentives, the masses are very unconditioned to the "co-op" nature DeSo stuff, etc. etc.

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