Splinterlands Fifth Season of 2023, Gladius Packs and SPS

The Splinterlands season ended earlier this week so I want to review my rewards and check up on some things in the game. Like usual, I am collecting Silver chests for most of the season and rushed at the end to just collect some gold chests on the last day like usual. It will be different starting this season because I won't be advancing to Gold League. There is something I want to check before I finalize this but it depends on whether or not I can drop my CP far enough. I was a bit surprised to see that I could still get over 50 chests without advancing my league but I had better luck this season.

Season Rewards

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Compared to last season, my rewards look a bit worst. I didn't get as many cards or chaos legion packs. The amount of SPS increased a lot though but the merits decreased. The potions also decreased somewaht. So overall, I think the rewards weren't as good outside of the SPS that I got.

Gladius Packs

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I was able to collect two packs this season which was the same as last time. I did miss out on one of the brawls so I could have gotten 3 packs if I did participate in it. There is no legendary card but I did get a Quora and some more rare cards so it wasn't a bad pull. It was kind of a surprise to see that there were no duplicates though.

I was able to upgrade 2 cards and one of them is Captain Kate. It's a card that I have used a few times using the soul-bound summoners in ranked battles. This card didn't earn any new abilities but having an extra health will still make it more useful. I like it because it has 3 magic attack, snipe and bloodlust. The combination of these skills makes it a useful card.


The SPS rewards is up and it looks like the huge gain in season chests is apparent. I was expecting the brawl rewards to be even lower because I missed a brawl but I guess the cycle just landed on more brawls this time around.

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My pool rewards for the season is 111.985 SPS and I plan on staking all of this along with all of my staking rewards. As usual, I am staking my SPS and taking profits off of GLX. So nothing has really changed from last time. The bonus to my staked SPS should help me a bit in regards to the newly announced promo card and I qualify for one more card purchase.


This is the last season that my old strategy will work and I am not sure if I will be advancing my league again in the future. Either way, I think the rewards are down but I am still happy to see at least a pack from my season rewards. I should get more Silver chests in place of the seasonal Gold chests so I don't expect the rewards to go down too much. My strategy in regards to SPS hasn't changed and it does help me a bit in the new promo card purchase.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

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