Brawl Report #41 - Easier brawl than our last one

Splinterland Brawls are a guild event where you can earn merits and SPS. This post serves as a way for me to review how my fights went and as a reminder to sign up for the next brawl. I have missed brawls in the past and it hurts when Gladius cards can now be used in ranked battles using the soulbound summoners. It's been the toughest brawl so far as I lost most of my fights as I fight in the gold foil fights. I was a bit surprised to see how few fights I had this week though.

Brawl Result

I chose the gold foil modern brawl and got 1 win and 1 losses. My rewards for the brawl were 4,556 merits and 45.854 SPS in the 2 star category. My guild ranked 2nd place out of the 10 guilds there. I choose to take the gold foil modern brawl because my guild usually doesn't fill all their spots and I prefer to give my other guild members a chance at the brawls. Our entire guild did a great job and we were able to get quite a few wins. This was quite different from our previous brawls.

Brawl fights

There were 1 fights that I won, and 1 that I lost. So I included an idea of what the match was below along with a few thoughts about it.

You can find the first match here. I won this match and my opponent's damage was too spread out. Having a shield monster as my tank, my opponent couldn't damage me and my summoner gave me an extra armor plus speed. With that, I was able to constantly deal damage and the repair helped me quite a bit. I was also lucky that my opponent was also limited in his card levels so that did help me quite a bit.

You can find the second match here. I lost this match and I couldn't do much against his bloodlust monster. Along with martyr, he was able to deal enough damage and I couldn't win the match even if I used a bunch of flying monsters. I was hoping that the earthquake ruleset would help me but it wasn't enough for me to win.


I think doing 2 fights for 4,556 merits and 45.854 SPS is a pretty good reward for the effort. I was at least able to get 50% win rate so I am fine with my own performance. The results for me and my guild are way better than last time. I guess 3 star brawls are just way too tough and the biggest handicap is my gold foil card levels. Brawls are a great way of earning SPS and merit for the number of battles you participate in. So I think it is worthwhile for people to participate in these brawls. My current brawls are in the three star category.

Are you taking part in Guild Brawls?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

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