Let's power up!

February 01, 2023

Happy new month everyone. I am happy to participate in the second PUD of the year.

Time flies so fast that we are now in the second month of the year. This is also the month where the head of our family left us by his death. It was a saddest moment of our life but still we are grateful how God lift us up when everything seems so unclear for us.

This month is also a celebration of love and may we show our love to our love ones before it will be too late.

Hive power up day

Hello hivers, it's first day of February. Happy love month. It is also a POWER UP DAY, where we only need to power up atleast 10 hive and it will help strengthen your influence in the Blockchain, earn more curation reward and earn interest by just holding hive power. So, what are you waiting for? Do the power up now!

This power up day, I just powered up 10 HIVE and save some hive for the power up month. This is my seventh time participating hive power up day and I am hoping to find myself still joining in this power up day on the months to come.

What I have achieved this month?

Hive teaches us to celebrate even with the small wins we had in the Blockchain, so let's see these small wins:

This month...

  1. I was able to post 14 blogs in the month of January and it gave me a 105 posts all in all.
  2. I have made 550 comments in the month of January. This is 99 higher compared to 451 comments in the month of December. This is a good number and it means that my engagement is improving.
  3. I have 283 average upvote per post in the month of January and this is a little bit higher compared to 269 last December.
  4. I already have 2126 author rewards compared to 1819 last December.
  5. I have 20.24 average author reward compared to 19.98 in the previous month.
  6. Lastly, I gained 9 HP as curation reward and it gave me 20 curation reward all in all.

I am also happy to have 158 followers this time compared to 138 last month. It means I have gained 20 followers in the month of January.

I am now in the rank 4283 from 4796 last December. I made a 513 steps higher and I am so happy with this improvements.


I have 22 HBD in the beginning of the year and I have 64 HBD right now. It means I was able to save 42 HBD in the month of January.

Hopefully I can reach 50 HBD this month. I know this is possible when I keep on engaging, keep on posting quality contents and with your support.


Yey! I hit my 1200 HP goal in the month of January and my engagement gave me a 1300 HP right now.

I hope to reach 1400 HP this month. This is a little bit higher as I just got 177 HP in the month of December. So having this goal will challenge me to engage more.


I didn't hit my 15 blogs goal for the month of January because I only posted 14 blogs. It's not bad but still I want to reach 15 blogs again this month.

If you haven't power up yet and don't know about POWER UP DAY, you can check @traciyork post about Hive Power Up Day.

Thank you so much for reading. Keep safe everyone.

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