Dealing with anxiety in the crypto world

thinking about the bearish market by myself


My fellow hivians am delighted to be here with you, as crypto enthusiast, nothing is my hobbies like waking up in the morning and seen the market on green (bullish), it bring joy to all crypto currency traders, but it can be distressing when the market turns red (bearish)

It's emotional tumoil is nothing to write home about, and as crypto guys, investing and taking the opportunities to earn some cryptocurrencies from different sites are our vital activities which are now very common in this era. And, in such activities, some of us had our bad and good experiences in doing so. Some became wealthy and some became anxious.

Coping with crypto anxieties


fine your crypto family

Doing business with crypto currency is really profitable if you are well educated about it, and are aware of the market system, sadly though most of us are entering this venture without a backbone or pre-kwowledge and investing while still unsure on what there are doing, just because of the prospect of becoming like someone you Know who have made it in the crypto space "HYPING." With this, many go in just to fine themselves perplexed with the greatest loss mostly to those who are impatient, while others at profit.

As a result of this unknown fortunes awaiting all crypto enthusiast, this might give us anxiety especially now with persistent bearish in the market.

So, In all this, I will say that the best way on how to deal or prevent anxiety in the crypto world is to find your crypto family first.


To overcome anxieties on our physical world, all that is needed is comfort, a warm hug, a shoulder to lean on and assurance that everything will be alright. So Your family members are Paramount to overcoming natural anxieties. Same can be applicable in the crypto world, to overcome anxiety, all you need are your crypto family, learn from them how they have been coping.

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