A little painting depicting a beach

Since November i have started a series for art blogs but this time its miniature paintings and today i'm drawing a miniature painting of a beach.
I used paints from the dollar shop. Simply put, these are the least expensive gouache I could find. I'm using a 4 x 6 piece of cartridge paper ,masking tape , one half inch wide brush and a fine liner brush .

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First i put some blobs of sky blue on the top then some white in middle and a little green mixed with blue at the bottom now we take our half inch brush and just crisscross in across our canvas to have a gradient like this. so for the sea i actually did a little more white in the bottom middle of my canvas . Now we add some clouds and a sun . The thing with gouache is that, while it dries up to be more white, I find that the white color is not as pigmented, so don't worry about it.

Now we add some islands with a fine liner brush in color black . This little element also gives our artwork a sense of perspective by serving as its horizon. I also added some birds and made some highlights to the sea by adding some white dots .These paints got really chalky and light so i would suggest you use more darker blues . Here is the final result.

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