My Little Effort For #LPUD ( LEO POWER UP DAY )

Hey Everyone, I hope you are fine and doing great. This post will revolve around LeoFinance and the great initiative started by Leo Community #LPUD. if you are new here and don't know what is it. Below is a brief introduction to it.

What Is #LPUD or Leo power up day?

Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) is a monthly event organized by the LeoFinance community where users are encouraged to power up their Leo tokens on the 15th of every month. By powering up your tokens, You increase your Leo Power, which gives you more influence on the LeoFinance platform.

My Take On #LPUD

I am a big supporter of @leofinance, I have been participating in #LPUD in every month. which gives me Happiness and I feel like to have more power after powering up the #LEO token on this day and I'll continue to do so every month.

How much I have Powered up This #LPUD?

Previously I had 138 #leo tokens powered up, and on this big day when I checked my wallet I had 79 #leo tokens, which I earned by posting using the #leofinance tag


I have powered up 79 #leo tokens, which makes my Powerup quantity to 217, which can be seen on the Screenshot.

Below is the Final screenshot of my Leo wallet after powering up #Leo tokens.

I wish everyone great success on #hive and on #leofinance.

Have a good day

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