dCity Investments - are the in-game events worth it?

Are the dcity in-game events worth it?

Are the dcity in-game events worth it?

One of the most awesome features of dcity is the fact that other tokens can be used in the game. The BEER token, CCC token, Stem token, Weed token, Gamer token and the DEC token can all be used to fund an event in your dcity.

Since all these hive-engine tokens can be bought and sold. Their prices fluctuate. This means that a certain price point it is just not worth it, but also when the price is low enough it can be an absolute no-brainer.

I have compared the prices and the amount of tokens you need for an event and would like to share with you what I found out. I will list the event, the current price in Hive and SIM and the benefits of the event. Finally I will tell you if I think it is worth it to hold such an event in your dcity, or if you would be better of just buying cards from the market. Since these prices change constantly I regularly give an update. Like every 2 month’s or so.

I do use the lowest selling order price for the token to calculate the total price, since I assume that you would want to immediately buy the tokens. You could obviously try to get your tokens cheaper by setting a buy order that has a lower price than the highest sell order. But that makes my calculations a bit more complicated and I choose to not do that. If you can get the tokens cheaper, then you probably should.


The Beer Fest requires 5 BEER tokens and at the current selling price of 0,246 Hive (it is actually Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 1,23 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 288 SIM.

This makes the Beer Fest a really cheap dcity event, but not the cheapest.

This gives you a 20% chance to get a worker or a hard worker every 2 hours. So on average you should get about 2,4 workers per event. But you can be very lucky with these events or not, so I cannot guarantee that it will work the first time. But by the time you had a 100 events, you should see that probability show up in the results.

Now Workers and especially Hard workers are really useful and I think that Hard workers are no longer so extremely overpriced on the market. The average price for a Hard worker on the market in the last 30 days was 60 SIM, which makes them competitive with Luxury homes. Which is the way it should be.

Finally, the BEER Fest also boosts your popularity, which means that you will likely also get some extra Homeless or Immigrants cards as well if you don’t get the 100% chance of a Homeless or Immigrants card every day.

All in all, I think that a BEER Fest is a good event at this price point and quite a good allocation for your funds.

Science Convention

The Science Convention requires 100 Stem tokens and at the current selling price of 0,125 Hive (it is actually called Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 6,25 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 1460 SIM. This makes the Science convention in my opinion currently too expensive.

It gives you a 20% chance to get a scientist every 2 hours. So on average you should get about 2,4 scientists per event.

The great benefit of scientists is that they not only provide you with 1 Population, but also 1 Education, which is useful for discovering Technologies. Something that a lot of dcity players are very interested in. This might even have caused the price of Stem to go up, who knows..

The average price for a Scientist card on the market in the past 30 days was 139 SIM, so you would better buy them on the market than get them through this event. That would give you 10 scientists, rather than a chance for 2,4 of them.

Finally the Science convention will also give you an Education bonus for the duration of the event, so it will increase your chances to discover a Technology. If you get a tier 3 or higher technology this way, then it is worth it. But you better buy the tier1-2 technologies on the market, since they have become really cheap.

So, I cannot really recommend this event at this price point. You better buy on the market what you need.

Art Convention

The Art convention requires 250 CCC tokens and at the current selling price of 0,00436 Hive (it is actually Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 1,09 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 254 SIM. The price of CCC has gone down again and this makes that the Art convention currently the cheapest event in dcity.

It gives you a 20% chance to get an Artist every 2 hours. So on average you should get about 2,4 artists per event. That is about 106 SIM per Artist. Considering that Artists are being sold for about 130 SIM, it means that the cheapest way to get them is through this event. It used to be the other way around, where you’d better buy the Artists on the market.

So, this now the cheapest event and you can make some money on those Artists as well.


The Weed Fest requires 75 WEED tokens and at the current selling price of 0,174 Hive (it is actually Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 5,22 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 1220 SIM. Because the price of weedcash has gone down this event is now worth considering again.

The event gives you a 20% chance to get an Artist every 2 hours. So on average you should get about 2,4 Artists per event. But clearly at this price in comparison with the Art Convention, you would be an absolute fool to do this for the Artists. Also it has a lower Creativity bonus than the Art convention.

So why would anyone still start a Weed Fest? That is for the bonus it creates for Weed Farms. It doubles Weed Farm production. My Weed Farm produces about 0,014 WEED on average per day. So this means that even with the current price for WEED there is a break-even point for the Weed Fest. This is the point where your Weed Farms produce more than 75 WEED daily.

Because if you can spend 75 WEED to produce more than 75 WEED, then you make a profit. The extra backgrounds and Artists are a bonus. You would need 5358 Weed farms for it though, so I guess no one will be able to accumulate such a number of Weed Farms. But it would be an interesting strategy.

Obviously when you sell the backgrounds and Artists, then you would reach the breakeven point sooner. Also when the price of WEED would go down and more people would start these events, then the pool gets bigger and potentially the Weed farms produce more Weed.

For now I would advise new players to ignore the Weed Fest.

Poker Night

The Poker Night requires 20000 Gamer tokens and at the current selling price of 0,00016 Hive (it is actually Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 3,2 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 747 SIM.

This gives you a 15% chance to get a Gambler or 5% chance to get an Addicted Gambler every 2 hours. So on average you should get about 1,8 Gamblers and 0,6 Addicted Gamblers per event. These have negative popularity, so a Gambler is really the same as a Homeless. The Addicted Gambler will at least give you some income, so it is a bit more interesting. Personally I would sell them.

If you have some Casino’s in your dcity, then you will get some Gamer tokens for free and you can then use these to start the Poker Night events. Having Gamblers in your dcity will slightly increase your Casino’s Gamer income, so if you have Casino’s then you might want to hold on to the Gamblers, rather than selling them.

But other than that I would not recommend this event over the Beer Fest unless you want to use the special feature of the Poker Night: lowering the Crime Rate of your dcity. If you have a lot of bank’s, shopping malls or Casino’s, then regular poker nights could help you combat the crime in your dcity and it will likely be worth it, since it now costs only 747 SIM and casino’s get robbed for 400 SIM. Also you could sell the Gamblers to reduce the cost even more.

For big dcities with lots of banks, shopping malls and casino’s highly recommended.

Splinter Fest

The Splinter Fest requires 500 DEC tokens and at the current selling price of 0,00574 Hive (it is actually Swap.Hive on hive-engine) this makes the total cost 2,87 Hive or if you convert SIM for it then it costs you 670 SIM.

This gives you a 18% chance to get a Gamer or a 2% chance to get a Splinterlands Dice pack every 2 hours. But I think the packs are now all gone. So on average you should get about 2,16 Gamers per event. But you can be very lucky with these events or not, so I cannot guarantee that it will work the first time. But by the time you had a 100 events, you should see that probability show up in the results.

The Splinter Fest also increases Entry token production from your Stadiums by 5%. These Entry tokens are needed to take part in a Dcity-Splinterlands tournament with awesome prices. So if you are playing Splinterlands, it might be worth it. You can however also get them pretty cheap on the market.

The average price for a Gamer on the market in the last 30 days was 222 SIM. Every Gamer card will also slightly increase the entry production of your Stadiums, so they are worth holding on to, but selling them will increase your profits nicely.

This event works really well with level 5 technology voice of skull that will double your chances to get gamers.


If you are looking for an event to get some population, then you should focus on the BEER Fest or the Art convention. At the current prices the Art convention looks best.

The Science convention is useful for boosting your education and increasing your chances of discovering Technologies, but is really too expensive at the moment. The Weed Fest is mostly useful for boosting your Weed Farm’s production and the Poker Night is mostly useful for reducing your crime rate.

The Splinterfest is most useful for mining Gamer cards.

Thank you for reading and see you next time!

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