Recent End of Season dCrops Report


I was able to complete the quests for the season. I received a chest with 10 items. I did have to tweak the the quests a little before the season had ended so I got the ones I could actually complete. It cost 10 Crop for each reroll.



Several fertilizer type cards and mystery seeds. I don’t believe they are available to use yet, so we will have to see what happens for the future.

I did not get a picture in time for my end of season harvest. I had ended with 600 some odd Crop in my wallet and I think I had around 300 before the end of season.

My strategy was to focus on the common and rare cards. They are the easiest to find on the market at a good price now that packs aren’t available. For this season I also bought some more land on the market. I found that the average were the cheapest on the market.

It’s a great game and I recommend it to everyone.

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