what if - a hive-engine token owner seize to exist.

I was reading a post by @brofund today (@brofund/brofund-and-bro-an-in-depth-explanation-some-stats-and-future-thoughts-a-transparency-report-of-sorts ) and in that post he has raised one question - what if i die?
He talks about his contingency plans for Brofund in event something happens to him.

That raised a question in my mind, what will happen if any one of the 2nd layer token owners seized to exist.

Will the token lose its value and gradually disappear?
Do token owners have any contingency plans in place?

This is true for all the 2nd layer tokens including dividend earning tokens.

On the hive engine network, we have so many 2nd layer projects owned either by an individual or community.
And they are centralized and controlled by those individuals

What will happen to the projects run by those individuals?
What will happen to the account keys for the projects run by an individual for the community?

This has a direct impact on the investors and token holders.

I don't want anything bad happen to anyone.

I think every token owner on the hive engine should devise a contigency plan.

just a thought, will moving the projects from centralized to de-centralized networks help?

what do you think?


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