#LEOTHREADS-Faster, Easier and Friendly


It is quite interesting to see how things is moving so fast on LeoFinace. When the new UI was released. I was among the people who find it hard to use it. During the LEO Crew3 quests. We were asked to give feedback of our experience using it. My #feedback was on how we can use it on Android phone. And now everything is working for our good.

Why i love threading on #leothreads

I know all that threads have many reasons for that and each one reason differ from each. But one thing is sure which is the main goal is to keep hive blockchain growing bigger and bigger. Threads have have made it easier for many to join hive. It is a powerful tool for marketing.

We are in a world where millions of people are very busy. They love reading something short, watch short video and appreciate short chat. How greatful i am to Leo dev who are seeing the future. They want everyone to belong to hive ecosystem. Do you love long article, hive is for you. Do you like short article, hive is for you. It is called miccro-blogging.

You earn for threading. That is the most beautiful part of #leothreads. Read as i tell you in detail why i love it so much. It is the best way to start your hive goals each day. Do you know somedays you feel bored and tired. With threads you will wipe of boredness and weakness. I have seen it working for me.

  • Threads brings to you some post you may not see on hive. It brings new friends to you on daily basis. You will have the opportunity to see so many Communities contest and contest results. You will have the opportunity to know how other hivers are doing it in their country. Their hive goals and how they are achieving it. Do you know that by sharing your link or that of others on #threads and engage very well, you can earn GOSH token

    That is not all, all the communities that are on threads, you can earn their token by using their recommended tag when sharing link or picture on threads. Now that you can login with your phone through hive signer. It is so fast, easy and friendly. If you are not on threads yet, am telling you, you are missing something precious on hive. Join today and see how it works. I tell you, you will know where LeoFinace is heading to.

    Threads to the whole world

    On May 1st, something great is going to happen on LeoFinace. Start now to get prepared for the campaign. 10k USD prize is waiting for all who will participate in this big campaign. It will be nice to start now to prepare, invite your friends to join don't miss out this great opportunity.

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