Listen-to-Earn? Stack Sats as You Listen

Not only do we have move-to-earn apps these days but now, we are having "Listen-to-Earn" ones as well.


Fountain App is one that does that. It claims that it is "the only podcast app that rewards both listeners and podcasters for the value that they bring to the platform."

"We believe Value for Value is a more rewarding system for everyone, but to help Value for Value grow we must make it accessible to all. Allowing users to start earning Bitcoin as soon as they open up Fountain for the first time takes us one step closer to achieving this. Earn just by listening to your favourite podcasts and then send the money back to them to show your support." - (Quoted from Source)



The app has the basic features that listeners expect from their podcast app. Apparently, Fountain is adding new ones all the time and you can contact them and request any feature you wish to have.

  • Sleep timer
  • Chapters
  • Offline listening
  • Filter tags
  • Notifications

How can one earn from it?

  • Listening to any of the podcasts.
    There is a "sats" tick at the top of the podcast (or advertisement) you are listening to. You can see how many satoshis (Bitcoin) you earn. It increases as you keep listening.


  • Listening to promoted content on the Discover page.
    I noticed the amount earned on promoted podcasts are higher than the normal ones. Or probably just coincidental.

  • When other users like your clips or comments.

"In Fountain you can now pay other users by liking their clips or comments. Listeners now have a financial incentive to share content they find valuable and express their thoughts on what they're listening to. Liking clips and comments creates signal for other listeners looking to find podcasts that they're going to enjoy. Every time you press like, you're sending 10 sats to the user who created the clip or sent the comment. You can press the like button as many times as you want!" - Quoted from Source

I didn't know that pressing the lightning icon would send 10 sats to the user from my fountain wallet, lol!

  • There is a multiplier so the more you refer, it increases your earnings as you listen to podcasts.

How to Sign Up?

  • Download the app from the stores
    Google Play or iOS

  • Create your account
    It requires an email address. It sends a code to your email which you need to copy and paste before you can go through the app.

If you are so inclined, you can use my referral link


  • Then you can go to your profile and brush it up, make it yours (upload profile pic and stuff)

  • And you are set! You can now search, discover and listen to podcasts of your choice and start stacking up sats.


Upon signing up and getting through the code, you will automatically have a lightning BTC wallet address created for you in the Fountain app. It's where your earnings are accumulated which you can then withdraw to your own BTC wallet where your keys are.

"To withdraw funds you will need a Bitcoin Lightning wallet that lets you receive Bitcoin over the Lightning Network. You can also use CashApp, Strike and other money apps." - quoted from the site's FAQs

They do have a measure in place which they say would prevent bots from abusing the system. I presume they have a threshold that a user must reach before one can withdraw.


I've only discovered the app through an email from the Pomp that I've read today. After taking a look, I decided to start using it. The app is fairly new and we shall see how it goes.

For more information about the app, check it here and FAQs here.

NOTE: This is not an endorsement for the app or anything associated with it. Please use it at your own discretion. Also, this article contains referral link/s and I may earn when one signs up through it.

LeoFinance  Divider.png

Image Sources:
- BTC stacks by Alesia Kozik on Pexels, edited via pc tool.
- Girl with a Headset by Sound On
- Screenshots from Fountain App and site.

No copyright infringement intended. 060722/11:02ph

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