Adapting to Change & Week 23 on SSC

Hello, Saturday :)

So another weekend arrived fast! It feels like we were in a race because we have been out and about today and in the last few days (except yesterday) tending to the new place. Certain changes happened and we chose to adapt, hence the very busy days.

We have been tidying and scrubbing the house in the other town we are considering relocating to and want to sleep in it next week to get a feel of the environment. The job is just halfway through so we will continue after mass tomorrow and perhaps until Monday. It is rather tiring (not to mention the drive to and from the other place) but I believe it is for the better.

Hopefully, by next week, we will have some good lazy days to rest. I am so looking forward to it!

Anyway, Saturday means updating and evaluating how we did in the last seven days on our goals here on the blockchain. Reviewing our past performances can help us decide what adjustments are needed, or which direction to take. It keeps us abreast of how things are. With that said, here is my quick update for week 23rd:

HIVE staked (Hive Power)

  • Current Amt: 20,162 HP
  • Previous Wk: 20,000 HP
  • Increase: 162 HP

Less than 1% growth in a week but still good in my books. I am manually staking at least one HIVE daily. Small as they may be, they are a great addition to the content (110 HP) and curation rewards (28 HP) received this week.

LEO Staked (Leo Power)

  • Current Amt: 30,109 LP
  • Previous Wk: 30,100 LP
  • Increase: 9 LEO

A paltry growth for the week but I'm not sweating about it. I am just saving my liquid LEO for the coming Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) so the number may increase significantly by then. But who knows if I would change my mind and LP it instead with CACAO on LeoDex. We will have to see.

HBD Savings

  • Current Amt: 1,051
  • Previous Wk: 1,040
  • Increase: 11 HBD

With my initial goal for the year checked off, I am now considering whether or not I should push through with the new target mentioned in my previous update last week. I wonder if it is just me but it's addicting to keep adding to it.😅

I do like how we earn interest passively, month by month. I feel having HBD Savings is a good hedge, especially with the crypto market being so volatile. Also, it only takes a few days to become liquid which can be readily available when any need arises.

Summing up

Despite being so busy in real life, things have been good during the week here on the chain. I am slowly inching towards my targets and thankful to those who continually support my work. You are all awesome❤️ None of these would have been possible without you so thank you... gracias... merci... arigato... xie xie... salamuch😊

Here's to a terrific weekend and happy saving, frens!

Photo is my own capture from my niece's mini-book. No copyright infringement intended. 08062024/21:03ph

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