The Biggest LPUD Yet?

Almost everyone in the Leoverse is fired up. It's Leo Power Up Day (LPUD), that's why. And who would not be when the energy and vibes reverberating around the community is quite infectious?

Then there's the Zealy Quest with some staggering experience points (XP) to be added when one participates, completes and claims the various tasks on the board, re: power up certain amount of LEO in a single transaction and claim the quests to earn XP.

  • 10 LEO to claim the "Kitten Attack"
  • 50 LEO to claim the "Newborn CUB Attack"
  • 200 LEO for the "CUB Attack"
  • 400 LEO and claim the "Lion Attack"
  • 800 LEO for the "Pack Leader Attack"
  • 1500 LEO and claim the "Apex Attack"
  • 5000 LEO to slay the boss and become the King of the Jungle.

Prior to LPUD, I have already completed and claimed two of the above transactions (10 & 50 LEO) then I had to restrain myself from staking and just accumulate and buy what I can. I was able to stack a bit (1200+). And so earlier today, I did another two separate power ups, staking 200 LEO and 400 LEO respectively. I didn't have enough for the next level (800 LEO) so I transferred what I had on my main account to this alt. Whilst I didn't intend to, it is needed and it won't matter to me anymore if my main doesn't get this month's LPUD badge.

Anyhow, I thought about skipping the Pack Leader attack and move to the next level which means the need to stake 1500 LEO on a separate and single transaction and claim the Apex attack. But my current liquid LEO is not enough and still need 600 more so will see if I will be able to buy them before LPUD ends.

And the price of LEO isn't helping either because it pumped and almost double from that of last week's market price. More are buying obviously for LPUD and to compete with the Zealy rankings yet less are selling! It's either we are seeing the impact of the adjustments and or changes coming to LeoFinance or this is mainly because of the day's event and the quests. But we shall see.

This month might be the biggest LPUD yet and we are going to break records, don't you think?

Until then, let's stake what we've got and stack up again for next month.

Lead image created on Canva. Screenshot from LeoDex. 15th May 2023/20:50ph

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