New Leadership, New Prices: Notable Changes in Everyday Costs

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I have no idea after the takeover of new government things can change that quickly in the country like nowadays we've got some relief.

Since the pandemic everything turned a lot expensive while the salaries stayed same till now. It effected everyone like it isn't easy to make living when cost of living is higher than average person salary.

When the new government arrived we all have thought it's going to get even more ugly because of they been ruling in country before and have a lot of corruption allegations.

Now there are some notable changes and improvements seen in this government which need to be appreciated.

Inflation is cooling down now

In Pakistan, inflation is now decreasing like things were super expensive just before elections and now everything is about 30% less expensive.

About couple of months ago when I went to check the price of mobile in market because I wanted to sell mine.. and at that time price of a smartphone was a lot higher than present time.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

I thought I would exchange my mobile because it was lagging a lot but when I went to market about two days ago they offered low price and I'm no way going to sell it, mobile market is down.

When it comes to food, last week chicken was 700pkr per kg and today it was at 500pkr per kg which is like 200 pkr difference.

Also other food and groceries are cheaper now which is a big relief to majority of poor people and middle class one's in this country.

Oil about to take a dip

Petroleum prices are going down in this week as far I've heard in today's news headlines.. we'll see decrease in oil, gas prices.

It's a good sign usually when petrol and gas chills, food and other item becomes even more cheap.

Also another achievement of this government is launching satellite to space with the help of china.. we've launched our first satellite in the moon.

Now all eyes on Bills

I can't believe this whole inflation going down is normal as long as I don't see the bills of gas and electricity myself.

Trust me we're paying 100-200% taxes on the bills, total electricity consumption isn't even that much but taxes like fuel adjustments etc are making it worse.

Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay

If this month we get bills not like the last couple of months than this government has done everything better than previous one that couldn't do in their 3 years.

Even USA ain't able to control inflation yet and they ain't cutting rates but here we are seeing first wave of relief and hopefully this will last for a long time.. I need to recover financially and mentally because life since last year is just spent on meeting the bills and other dues.

Wrapping up...

The worst part of inflation in every country is that people who don't have much savings and source of income suffers most.

Hope so we'll see more cool off in inflation and more strength in economy which is something not seen since the pandemic.

Anyway, I wonder how is the inflation treating you in your side of the world.. is it getting worse or any better? Do share about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 11/05/2024.

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