Hive Fork 26 Memes You should See with other Hivers


Lead Image Edited and Created Using Canva

As everyone know we have seen a new Evolution in hive in the form of HF26 fork which went smoothly and now thing's are working back normally and incredibly fast.

Ever since the fork happened I had started making Some Memes based on HF26 Theme like what changes have been made through it and the whole scenarios as far as I have observed.

And so had more like enough fun or knowledgeable Memes to share with Hivers Today.

No time restrictions for votes

Before HF26 Users were only allowed to vote 1 in 3 seconds but after the fork we can now vote as many as want in the same block without any error.

Or also there's no penalty of changing votes anymore after the hf26.

All votes count including Dust Votes

The dusk votes before the evolution doesn't have any value nor for author or curators - Meme says it all.

Good thing for Creators and curators is after evolution now even the dust Votes will produce Rewards.

Newbies in Hive before vs After Hive fork 26

When I first time landed on Hive without knowing the value of "RC" I had drained it by voting on posts.

And so the situation was something portrayed in meme. Now after the hf26 with the help of RC Delegations it will maximize user experience for Newbies and hivers who were delegating HP to newbies before.

The Ability to change keys twice every hour instead of once

I'm still trying to understand the benefit of this one thing.

Let's say if I clicked a phishing link and now hacker got into my hive account using key and he changed the keys.

I realized it eventually on time before the fork there was no other choice except to wait for 1 hours and change the keys after that but now we can do it twice so somehow in such situations this will be a Good useful thing for sure.

HBD Haircut from 10% to 30%

As far as I understand the concept of Haircut it brings more stability and prevent exploits during the conversion or more security.

Though, I would say to understand it more clearly here's something you can read about The Haircut Rule, The Biggest Risk For The HBD Price.

In the end we all are Happy with the Hive hardfork 26 Evolution.


I Hope you enjoyed the Memes and found it interesting.

This was the first time witnessing #hf26 happening and Good thing it went smoothly and now everything is working better and fast.

Also I would like to know your perspective or thoughts on HF26 in comments.

Memes are all mine & Created Using Meme Generator

Do not Forget to hit Upvote, Comment and Re-blog.

Thanks for reading.

All the content or images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended - 13/10/22.
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