Golem Overlord - Play to earn crypto:: Series-3

Namaste🙏 Dear Friends, Again i am here to tell you about my ongoing current Golem Overlord game experience, if you didn't saw my past post on GOLEM, than you can check here 👉POST-1 👉POST-2.

When i joined i was not much aware of any rules, just i was informed about this game by my friends at discord, than i did some experiment here in game and invested total of 80+ swap.hive in it.

At starting i was looted by other players many times, then i realize that fortification is very important to save our PARTS before claim.

Second lession was when i attacked on other player i lost or damaged my lots of PART. Then i learnt that I need POWER to attack on other player who is lower than me.

But one fact till date i didn't understand in this GOLAM game, that lower FAITH, Lower POWER, LOWER Fortification player won or defended against me, when my winning chance was 76% . If any one have answer of this than please comment below the post.

Now come to the main part of this game, That you have to burn 80% of claimed PARTS, if not want to get any penalties or less PART claim.

Now question is how much part we have to burn to maintain 80% and in which section?.

Answer is if want to increase you PART claim than burn most of the PART on Scavenger Golems and some on STAKE/BANKED.

While burning first one PART on Scavenger Golems, i got 1% increase at %use , but next 1% i got after burning two PARTS.

I think 2 PARTS need to burn at Scavenger Golems to get 1% uses . This also increases your PART.

Now another question is what about fortification and power?

Answer i already gave you above, POWER need when you want to attack on other players to get more PARTS.

Fortification help you to get safe your PARTS from other players.

You can sign up the Golem Overlord game using my referral link 👉Click here .

Thank a lot for visiting on my post.......



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