Financial goals 2021


Hello readers (not so many at the moment but I'll make sure to improve that), I'll try to share my financial goals for 2021, it might give you a better idea of myself for those who haven't read any of my comments here yet.

Just a bit of context first, I've met with investments very late – in 2017 – and it all started with a book from Andrew Hallam titled 'Millionaire Expat: How to build Wealth Living Overseas'.
I was working in Hon Kong since 2015, always heard that taxation on investment profit here was advantageous (non-existent), this book looked like a perfect match.
Game was on ! I bought my first stock through my bank and I would stick with HK stocks for few months. But there was a need to diversify my portfolio, I wanted to buy some ETFs to cover the S&P500 and Euro index. Opened a trading account on IB, low fees and stock exchanges from the whole world opened to my investments.

Since the beginning I've been a 'Buy & Hold' person on stocks and that followed me for all my investments including cryptos.
I won't bore you with my choice of assets but I would like to share an uncommon one for the sake of discussions: it's Whisky ! Feel free to ask more about it in the comment section.


My end game goal is to be able to live from my passive income investments thus they are the ones having my preference. And I'm afraid it won't be for 2021 but I will keep building for it.
Ok I still have this little hope of some alt coins mooning and making myself a young retired man but I prefer to be rational so here are my plans for 2021 (finally).


Adjust my stock positions to have:

  • 25% Gold/Silver physical/miner/streaming
  • 25% Oil/Natural gas
  • 10% Uramium
  • 10% Tech/EV/Pharma/Nikkei/More junk
  • 30% cash

I'm a bit of a contrarian in some ways :)
Also a big allocation to cash waiting for the blood in the streets that would allow to grab great companies at a very low price.

I've also started to trade stock options since October. Very simple strategies selling covered Calls on the stocks I own and selling cash covered Puts on the stocks I would like to own.
Returns have been a lot higher than my expectations and that's something I'd like to push a bit further in 2021 but that's far from passive...


That's definitely the fun part of my investment !
Let's skip the boring part of BTC holding, ETH2.0 staking or all the alt coins moon-hoping.
But what I had fun/risk with in 2020 was DeFi, this thing is the Far West, cowboys shooting and getting shot on a daily basis.

For my first DeFi in October end, I hesitated between Curve and Harvest to finally choose Curve... 2 days later USD 24M were hacked from Harvest.
Oh my... that was close :D

I'll try to make other DeFi discoveries in 2021 and will share it on Leofinance.
Talking about Leofinance (and Hive), this is where I'm going to invest the most in 2021, in time and money.
I've put some money in Hive and LEO (and SPORTS and LBI) and I thought it would be enough to start with but every time I read a post from taskmaster I feel like I need to buy more LEO !
Man... he is good you know :D

So I'll dedicate more time to write quality content here to grow my stake organically.
You can notice a great improvement from my first post who collected 1.59 LEO and the second with 13.82 LEO !

I would like to thank people who voted for, it really gives some motivation to deliver more and better.
I'll let Hive grow organically from authoring/curating and delegate all the HP to @leo-voter and @lbi-token.
LEO will powered up unconditionally and the goal in 2021 is to have 15000 LEO.


And to conclude let's play the price prediction game.

  • Hive: USD 0.25
  • LEO: USD 4

That would make some millionaires from LEO !
But let's not dream too much about it and keep providing effort to make this community stronger day after day.
I wish Happy New Year to all of you LIONS !

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