Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: My Splinterlands Journey!

Hello all Splinterlands warlocks, I am excited to write here and participate in the Splinterlands weekly challenge. Today, I write to participate in the Splinterlands Social Media Weekly Challenge and for this week, we have a new theme and not the usual random battle or the rebellion theme we participated in for 3 weeks. So today, as the theme suggests we share our splinterlands journey here for the benefit of everyone. Here we go, let's dive into the topic then.

I joined the Hive blockchain about 9 months ago which was somewhere in February and since then I started playing the Splinterlands game. This game was even one of my priorities for joining the Hive blockchain because I didn't have much time to blog until now. I only invested some funds into the game and started playing even at the time of the bot session, I was one of the users who used to play with the bot too, until it was banned in modern format battles, Haha.

My journey on the Splinterlands game started when I used to do my research about blockchain games until I found out about the game which I further made more research to learn and know more about it. After finding its legitimacy I then decided to give it a try and bought my Spellbook which cost me 10$ and my journey started right away. It was rough and tough for me at the beginning and I took it as normal because a novice in any game will surely find it difficult at the beginning.

I have been on the Splinterlands game for 9 months and I must say, I am a season veteran of which I am proud. Even on my busy schedule days or weeks, I try my best to participate in battles so I can earn myself seasonal chests and daily focus chests before the season comes to an end. Currently, we have 6 days and 6 hours before the season ends, and I have so far 24 seasonal chests accumulated.

I can't specify the exact amount of time I spend on playing this game but then I would estimate it to be 6 or more hours in a day. Sometimes when my energy is full, I always try to play and drain it down before the following day so it can recharge for me to use it again instead of leaving it full and getting wasted. To talk about accomplishments, hmmm, maybe not yet, because I really have a big dream about this game, I need to have at least 100K SPS stake and I am currently at 2K plus so I still have a lot more work to do. But then earning a Quora Bloodlust monster really made me feel happy because I really needed that monster badly.

I have been playing with the PIZZA THE CALZONES guild and we have been doing quite well. I love that guild and I will forever be with them no matter what. It is from the guild that has helped me to earn those SPS as well as those Bloodlust monsters in my collection.

Yeah, I really have the goal of aiming for the diamond and the championship league and I know with time I would also be there surprisingly. It is not going to be easy but I trust and hope in a year or two years to come, I will be out of the smaller leagues too. Yeah, I really love seeing the dragon cards and I hope I will one day start earning them especially when I have been advanced into the higher leagues. The dragon summoners which I love most especially Kitty Byzantine is really good dragon summoner to me but then I know there are more better and expensive summoners than that. I also have in my future collections the Yodin Zaku summoner, come on, a lot of users have been beating me up with this summoner always and I am patiently hoping to get it as well as time goes on.

Should I say I am also a beginner lol, okay by the way I can still give a little advice to a starter because I have some experience now. As a beginner in spl, you have to understand that this game doesn't need a rush, just understand that it takes time to adjust to winning battles on a streak. Also, make sure to learn from your previous battles as that is the key to improving your next lineup in battle. Another important strategy is learning the rulesets and understanding each of them and the abilities they add or reduce from your monsters. You can get them to read from the Splinterlands.io. Make sure you master each ruleset and the type of summoners or monsters to use for each ruleset given. Lastly, be mindful of your mana given, and make sure you select cards that will be best to suit that before rumbling for a battle.

Good luck and all the best in your journey as a Splinterlands Player. Here is a link to register for the game. You can leave your feedback in the comment section and I will give a reply as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: All images taken from splinterlands.io

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