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Zero To Hero Challenge Ep 23: Struggle Times

This wouldn't be a challenge without constant setbacks around every corner. There will be no free lunch, today or ever. This is the first lesson that Warren Buffett teaches his students because life will show you the hard way sooner or later.

This has always been the case in my situation. Even with countless hours spent researching, trading and watching the charts there isnt much I can do but lose money in these spots. The alternative would have been to become a permabear the entire time and rely on shorting strategies. I wasn't entirely confident that would be effective but in hindsight it may have been the best idea.

Now I am stuck with shares at a loss and contracts to keep my collateral locked up for the next month. Using the cash premiums I had collected on BBIG I bought 100 shares of CORZ which is a blockchain mining company. Their stock recently tanked but began a relief rally. I may have caught the tail end of that bounce however.

So Ive got 2 different stocks and 5 covered call contracts open:







Cursed or just playing the game wrong... either way it seems that the market is always conspiring against me to cause max pain and losses. After being liquidated on my huge Fantom position I had built up over the last several months I was seriously beaten down. The wreckage was intensified by continued chopping in the market since. Feels terrible to experience this day in and day out but the feeling has become more numb the longer things drag on. There are signs of capitulation all around us but when will it ACTUALLY turn around? Seems like it wont be this year.
