What's Up With @lasseehlers' Economics Diploma?

I have a little bit of a mystery/riddle I am trying to figure out. Unfortunately, the one individual who could shed some light on the answer won't. Maybe someone else on Hive can help me figure this out.

O.K. So recently @lasseehlers posted an image of what he claims is his University of Copenhagen economics diploma. It's the thing that he claims makes him a "crypto expert" since he seems to have lost his master's thesis files years ago.

Image Source: @lasseehlers

So here is the mystery: I am guessing that might be a scan of what he had hanging on a wall in a picture frame. @lasseehlers is a flat Earther who claims that every image of Earth has been faked by NASA. If @lasseehlers expects everyone to not believe NASA images are authentic, then I think his image of a diploma as proof should also be scrutinized the same way just to be fair. When I asked him for any independent source to verify the authenticity he replied, "You are crazy, stupid, aggresive, offensive and brainwashed. I got a master diploma in economics from one of the best Universities in the world..."

Fine. But @lasseehlers having a master's degree doesn't explain certain things such as why he copy-pastes images off the internet onto his blog posts without giving attribution. Sooner or later while earning a master's degree in any subject the importance of sourcing is made clear.

Since I am not going to get a source of independent verification from @lasseehlers I did the whole "do your own research" thing flat Earthers are always saying we should do.

I put the image @lasseehlers posted in Google Images and this was the closest match to a similar image:

Image Source

The Google Images result for a similar diploma was awarded around 12 years after @lasseehlers alleged diploma. I tried to find something else similar that was closer to around 2010 but I guess I am not familiar enough with linkedin.com and/or I need to learn Danish to get a better search result.

I wanted to find a similar result to 2010 because it seems like there must have been some diploma design updates during that 12 year period. For example, while both diplomas appear to use a serif font, the 2022 diploma seems to be more bold making the text darker and thicker than the 2010 diploma. The main difference I am curious about is the footer. The 2022 diploma awarded to Erick Sebastian Solis Martinez has digital validation instructions. That validation link on the second diploma (www.diploma.ku.dk) was the kind of independent source that I wanted from @lasseehlers. But that footer is not on the image he posted to prove he has an economics diploma. If it had been there I wouldn't have needed to ask @lasseehlers about it. I only know about the link now because of a Google Images search.

Was there really some layout design changes to University of Copenhagen economics diplomas between 2010 and 2022? Maybe @lasseehlers has a crap flatbed scanner and somehow missed scanning the bottom of his diploma? In 2010 the diplomas didn't have a footer with verification instructions? Did @lasseehlers not give me the verification link that now appears on diplomas because the verification isn't retroactive for 2010 diplomas?

Anybody fluent in Danish that can help me find another example of a mater's in economics diploma from 2010?

The verification link is meant for employers. I guess I can't use it then. Based on his crypto investment advice I sure wouldn't hire him.

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