CUBFinance, Linkedin Freelance, Business, P2P, Sunk Cost -> 88th🐯 curation digest


@HODLCommunity presents to you the 88th LeoFinance Curation Post

We feel very excited as we think we will address one of the most important issues on the platform: Curation.

We truly hope, big stakeholders will support this initiative in order to spread rewards to some amazing writers.

Our goal is to support content creators and generate qualitative interactions between LeoFinance users.

We will set a 5% beneficiary for every author selected in this curation report.

So Lions 🐯, let's roll !


CUB Finance experiment - month 4 - up by @trumpikas


Allocation moving more towards Cub kingdom.
Experiment began with $500 - no more added after.

Finally total amount of CUB up from 489 to 594. Total farmed was about 86 CUB if we would have sold it daily. A big and good month for CUB finance and also Leo. LeoFinance mobile app is available on Android now. iOS coming soon. Polygon CUB coming soon also.

I love such experiments as they provide empirical results for those who consider taking part in the projects. When it comes to #CUB, we all have some shares on the platform as Lions and we are glad to welcome the CUB on Matic and further developments. Especially when you are looking for a project on BSC, CUB is both trustworthy thanks to the devs and it is quite profitable but for using Pancake or any other LP πŸ±β€πŸ‘€


New Gig Option offered by LinkedIn & Dev openings in Hive by @katerinaramm


he members of this platform, can present their CV, and also their skills, their seminars, education and more ... They can also write articles about any topic, they can follow Industry leaders etc.. Most of the well renown companies/universities etc - have well established company pages in LinkedIn. Moreover, believe it or not, there is plenty of blockchain discussion taking place there :) So, yes, I have an account in LinkedIn and it has helped me getting to know many people with whom we share common interests.

I believe it is a very good addition, in comparison with free lance places (such as fiverr, upwork etc), this gig place comes right at a place where a user may already have a good following and it can be easier to stand out!

Now that you are skillfully content creator, gamer or developer in the blockchain ecosystem, why do not you show your talent to the companies that are about to be in crypto ecosystem? Actually, it takes your skills into another level with the experience that you may gain in giant institutions. Besides, Freelance can be a great side hustle for everyone while the global economy is shrinking in such speed ✌ Linkedin is a great place to seek opportunities ^^


Cryptocurrency and business, which one do you think is far better?: A topic worth discussing by @tfame3865


Not that business is not awesome and doesn't posses amazing qualities, but comparing it with cryptocurrency is not necessary because I will say that cryptocurrency really outshines it. With cryptocurrency we are all like business man but that is not same when it comes to business. This is another angle where business is being defeated by cryptocurrency.

Do you knows that when it comes to business you will always need capital but that is not so with cryptocurrency, with cryptocurrency I mentioned above that you can start with nothing, this is where Airdrop hunting came in place.

Establishing or having shares of a business vs creating your own cryptocurrency / developing on a chain... Actually it will the hardest decision that is going to be taken by thousands of people while mega bull-run is taking place. Due to the decerasing purchasing power of the fiat currencies, it becomes less profitable to work for a company that is adapted to the existing business ecosystem. For now, people may not give a direct answer for the question (due to the risks in crypto) but it will not be challenging one in 3-5 years as every single thing will be working on blockchains πŸ˜‰ For today's conditions, I am indecisive πŸ€“


Monitoring spirits now on Binance P2P. Please beware! by @ckole


There's no doubt that Blockchain/cryptocurrency is the next thing that would power the next generation of financial systems. Because of the clarity, many countries are doing all they could to halt the system. It's very unfortunate that some governments still refuse to understand the importance of blockchain/cryptocurrency and how far it has changed the lives of citizens.

For some weeks now, there has been some internal news flying that the federal government is planning to block every account involved in crypto transactions in Nigeria. When they realized that P2p has been the means of exchange, they now set watchdogs to create accounts on Binance and start transactions on P2P.

So it begins... It was an inevitable thing that some governments will try to go against crypto to prevent money flowing to crypto ecosystem. Yet, these governments have no idea about foreseeing and investing for the future; what they own is basically governing people with old fashion practices. While they are still limited in numbers, there will be more governments trying to prevent crypto interaction to track people easily. However, every thing is in vain. The only thing that will happen is the end of realm for them. But for spending time to prevent P2P interaction, better if they consider their future πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


Sunk Cost On Limited Resources & Time by @josediccus


A sunk cost is a cost that can be incurred with a major spending and has no potential of being recovered whatsoever. In life, there are so many costs that tends to influence our rational thinking and one of them is the sunk cost of "time". Sunk cost for example is evident in how we spend extra time on a fruitless venture, simply because we have initially begun spending futile efforts only to realize too late that the time we have spending could have been channeled into something better.

An inclination to follow through a venture, especially when we realize that we have initially wasted a lot of time, is born of an emotional impression rather than a logical expression. This is why we should know when to quit, because it's more profitable to quit and not because its "too late" to quit "Time" In personal finance, is very significant and this is because we have to understand that the human lives and it's frailties as well as its limitations is a critical "aspect" to always consider when it comes to the striving or the struggle to make money.

Here is a mind-opening post by @josediccus over a popular phenomenon that we all go through. The Sunk Cost is what you can see as unrealized profit that you have in trade but until you realize it, things go upside down... While there are better options to spend our time on, we may fall into the other hustles that may ruin a better future that we might have built. At that point, "time management" or any other techniques that anyone can develop will bring life-changing opportunities to their lives.

I have a question: Do we cause sunk cost in time spent on crypto most of the time? I'm sure that people refresh CMC 50000 times in a day πŸ˜„



This post is created by @idiosyncratic1 to curate quality content on LeoFinance.

Hive on !


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