What is Cryptocurrencies? How does it affect global society? Has it been the Venezuelan society also? by @hjrrodriguez

Excellent initiative of the friend @steemflow to know the reality of cryptocurrencies worldwide and especially in each country in particular. Here is the link to the publication so that you can see and participate in it:



[source] (https://www.google.com/amp/s/eldiario.com/2021/10/21/venezuela-top-10-paises-criptomonedas/)

It is a digital asset which we use as a form of payment or to exchange for others or for fiat money. These have certain characteristics that make it unique, such as: Decentralized and cannot be regulated by anyone, in addition to the fact that transactions are carried out between interested parties.


[source] (https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idLTAKCN2DY1MM)

Personally, I have seen with concern the social problems that countries such as Kazakhstan and Kosovo have, large Bitcoin (BTC) miners worldwide, according to their governments because they consume a lot of electrical energy. But there are more positive things that they generate for society in general, such as the possibility of having our savings always available and we also improve our economic situation.


[source] (https://es.beincrypto.com/binance-participa-encuentro-mineros-reguladores-venezolanos/)

The economic problems that Venezuela presents is no secret to anyone, so it affects here but in a positive way since it allows us to have our savings protected from inflation. There are different ways in which we can get Cryptocurrencies; Venezuela offers advantages for the extraction of it through Mining. We can also generate by creating content like here at #Hive. Games based on NFT's technology have grown exponentially in the last year. For all these reasons, I am not exaggerating if I affirm that Venezuela is very high on the list of the countries that use Cryptocurrencies the most.

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