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Are the old Cub Farms ending?

Hey @leofinance are the old farms ending?

Should I migrate out of CUB-BUSD also?

I somewhat cautiously withdrew my LP from the bLEO-BNB pool. I guess Kingdoms are where it is at. So now I ask, do I swap bLEO for CUBs and increase my stake? Or wait for LEO to rise? I am going to keep the BNB for fees but I think that I probably have a few more LEO I can send over to Kingdoms from LeoFinance. I suppose it makes more sense to swap the bLEO and have it earning more CUB.

I still don't have any of this CAKE stuff but now that there is a CAKE kingdom maybe I should get one. Now I have a small amount of CAKE. Lets see what it can do!

Should I unstake my CUB-BUSD LP also?
Are we going all in on Cub Kingdoms?