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Week 5 GLD coin update: No news is good news. Steady as she goes and holding peg at 100:1


As creator of the GLD coin I think it should fall upon me to do the weekly update as to what is going on with the GLD Coin.

Quick Stats :

  • Pool Value $197.94 HBD
  • 1 Hive = 100.251 GLD

About the GLD coin: What does it stand for:

G - Generate (income)
L - Live life (use income)
D - Develop community.

Where is it used:

It is to be used as the coin in the #earnspendgive community. Weekly rewards for the community will be given in the GLD token to people who write on the post prompt.

Where do I buy or sell it?

It is on the hive-engine exchange but typically it is easier to buy and sell using the liquidity pool between GLD and Swap.Hive

Why should I buy it?

You shouldn't. Right now it is a token in development. If you want to hold the coin simply post quality content in the #earn spend give community and you can get the coin free. You could buy it but as I said, this isn't the time.

What is its end use case scenario?

That's complicated. However, it is intended to be a reward coin for the #earnspendgive community. In the future it will also be used to purchase items made available for sale in the community but community won't be doing "regular" buy and sell transactions it will be more like staking coin for real world goods. In addition the goal is to purchase enough BEE tokens to create NFT's and distribute GLD to NFT holders.

Current state of the coin:

Initial Value from Tribaldex : 100 GLD = .635 Hive

Last week 100GLD = 1 Hive


This week it is exactly where I want it to be....Pegged at 100:1 or a Hive Penny 😄 .... You will notice I want to keep it pegged at a penny and won't be buying more to increase its value. There are also no staking rewards so buying this on speculation it will go up is a BAD IDEA. I'll be working on getting NFT mining up for the coin and have payouts that way but until that happens buying for increased value is not a great idea.

As for the liquidity pool. It's gone from a value of $197 to $206 in a week. Small change..just part of being a cryptocurrency :)


This weeks rewards

This week 500 GLD is to be distributed to the authors in #earnspendgive who all posted about Giving. The next post topic is "How did you spend your Holidays" which will run until early January. Feel free to join in if you are so inclined..Just make sure you tag @terganftp so you can get read, curated, and rewarded :)

Thanks to
@lightpen (welcome back!)
for your post

Will each be receiving 100 GLD token each.

This weeks purchases.

@terganftp was awarded 22.374 Leo coins for his delegation to @leo.voter


Those coins have been used to purchase 3.56 HIVE which will be mixed with 359 GLD to increase the value of the liquidity pool. Bigger liquidity pool, less change in value when tokens are redeemed.


Overall there are 40,000 tokens available

As for is holding the most?

@terganftp is the primary holder of the coin as he's the one who has to give out rewards for the post prompts.

As for everyone else here is the list :


And that's the coin update for this week

Thanks for reading