Hive Keychain 2.0 version! My Swapping Experience

Hive keychain version 2.0 is a new developed version with impeccable features. The moment I saw the post today, I hurried to the playstore to update mine.
Though I have it, what I just needed was an update.
I have been using hive keychain for a long time but I haven't noticed the recent development.
I think the color interface was just added recently or I did not notice it.
It was very easy to change the interface color. I don't know if it was possible before but I just saw it today. It is either you change it to dark or light mode.

The first thing to test the hive keychain version 2.0 was to swap #Leo to SPS (splinterlands Governance Token) which I did successfully without glitch. It seemed so easy and good to me; I was very happy to use it. I went to the app, swapped SPS to neoxag.

How I swap SPS (splinterlands Governance Token) to Neoxag

Without wasting time, I logged in to hive keychain app the second time with my password.

Then, the third icon at the bottom is ‘swap’. When I entered icon, it took me to the page where I could swap any available tokens to swap.

Without wasting time, since I wanted to Swap SPS to neoxag: I searched for SPS since it was the one I wanted to Swap for neoxag, it must come first.

Then, I searched for neoxag. After I successfully searched for both tokens, I entered the amount of SPS I wanted to swap which was 170 SPS which gave 6972 Neoxag.

I successfully swapped the token.

Talking about my experiences when swapping! It was an awesome experience.
I don't need to browse other exchange site again since I have hive keychain app.
In fact, searching sites to Swap hive sometimes was not easy for me. With experience I had with hive keychain today, it will be my best app to swap any token available.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

Thank you for reading my post.
The picture in this post are gotten from hive keychain app.

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