Hive and Building a Stronger Filipino Crypto Ecosystem

Recently, in an endeavor to nurture the local crypto environment, Wei Zhou, the progressive CEO of, vocalized his inclination to onboard local crypto and web3 projects to the platform. This came as promising news, not just for local projects but also for global ones that understand the distinct needs of the Filipino community.


As an ardent believer in Hive, this was the sign I had been waiting for.

Why Hive, you may ask? Hive is more than just a blockchain; it's an envisionment of a future internet - uncensored, decentralized, and owned by the community. This ethos aligns with Zhou's vision of lifting local champions. He sees platforms like Hive benefiting from global users in various use cases, not just trading.

The submission process on was smooth, albeit unique. Being a decentralized platform without a conventional founder set, Hive posed distinct questions. The beauty of Hive is that it is an entity of its own, without a set founding company or team. Nevertheless, the form was accommodating, focusing mainly on the entity behind the crypto.

Now, what does this mean for Hive and its potential listing on

Expanding Hive's Reach in the Philippines: Given's substantial user base, Hive can easily penetrate the Filipino market, creating a larger community of users who believe in the power of a censorship-free world.

Accelerating Real-World Change: With easier transactions and onboarding processes, Hive can quicken the pace at which it drives global transformation.



Future Collaborations: Hive's potential listing could pave the way for further collaborations and integrations with other platforms, expanding its ecosystem and influence.

Though the feedback from is pending, the optimism is palpable. As Zhou remains positive amidst a bear market, it’s evident that innovation hasn't stopped, and neither should we.

In conclusion, while there are several cryptocurrencies and projects in the space, Hive stands unique, much like Bitcoin in its essence. Both are geared towards a decentralized and open future. As we await the possible listing of Hive on, one thing is evident – the future looks promising, and the world is gearing up for positive change.

Engage with this vision, share your thoughts below, and let's together be part of this transformative journey.

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