Hive PUD 1 March 2022 - Marching on and upwards


As the winds of change keep on blowing across the world, the crisis in Ukraine is not only devastating the people of that country but also knocking financial markets.

Our hearts go out to everyone who is affected!

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On to better news: March heralds the beginning of a new season. Here, in the southern hemisphere we are looking forward to balmy Autumn days, and across the waters, sunny Spring days!

Hive never fails to surprise, even though there are many ups and downs, and one event that takes place on the first day of every month without fail, is Hive Power Up Day which helps the community as a whole!

Read all about it!

@traciyork who really is the Queen Bee of Hive PUD tells us about the many exciting happenings and benefactors who make this such a special Hive Power Up Day for March 1st 2022, thank you one and all!
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On 1 December we did Our eighth Hive PUD but only powered up 17 Hive, as we decided to rather HODL all the HBD we had built up and moved it to savings, as Hive was too costly. Remember that?

To cut a long story short, I was also facing the most awful period of my life for the entire month of January, so moving HBD from our savings in time for Hive PUD was not even on the radar. Our admin Fiona was also facing some RL issues at the time! So no Power Up Day happened for the Silver Bloggers' Community for February (but the stash still grew because it was earning interest...)

However, I am happy to say that, this time round, we withdrew our HBD in time to buy Hive in time to capitalise on the price drop.

Silver Bloggers Members' Growth

We truly appreciate @ocd for their continued support of members' blogs, as this certainly encourages everyone to continue producing quality content.

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How did we fare with our March 2022 HivePUD?

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With this power up we hit a significant milestone: more than 1,500HP. Our account, just ten months after starting this community sits at 1,549HP, and has grown to 979 subscribers.

We also have 6644HP in delegations thanks to our generous sponsors, and to increase rewards and also as a token of thanks, the community account has delegated 500HP to the awesome @ocdb!

So, we continue to be grateful to all who delegate or set our account as a beneficiary when they post in the community. Every little bit helps.

We have a fabulous team working behind the scenes of our Silver Bloggers Community, so a big thank you to @fionasfavourites, and our two new moderators, @coquicoin and @mondoshawan, for starting exciting initiatives, and for all the behind-the-scenes hours they put into helping our community grow!

So be ready all Silver Bloggers, fasten those seatbelts for the flight to the moon and beyond!


We’d like to be able to support our members and grow this community. Help us do this in one of four ways - or all four ;)

  • add the community account to your fanbase so that you can autovote the Silver Bloggers community account (@hive-106316)
  • with a delegation which you can either do yourself from your wallet, or pick an amount from the table below
  • add @hive106316 as a 5% beneficiary when you post in the community
  • and...please reblog our posts for more visibility

Don’t forget to join us in our Discord Channel for a chat in our Coffee Corner - open to Subscribed members only.

Silver Bloggers still is a little babe here on Hive, but I reckon one of these fine days we will be a Silver force to be reckoned with, and it's all to help you, our active subscribers!

Come and join our Silver Bloggers communitySilver Bloggers footer banner 600 x 300.jpg

And, thank you in advance


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