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Responsible regulations are indeed necessary to curtail the excesses of technology. My point exactly is that in our contemporary society new innovations are beginning to take over humanity, for instance the issue of robots replacing human needs and wants just like the human sex dolls, cleaning machines, artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, surveillance state, bio weapons and so many more. If certain guidelines are not set in place to minimize the effect of such innovations they will go to an extent that they would have a negative impact on the society and the nation at large. Therefore it is a wise decision for the government or organizations to set possible limits and guidelines that will ethical, legal, and set regulatory boundaries.

The case study for this particular topic would be the artificial intelligence as the new brand in technology where human intelligence is slowly being replaced by machines. While this technology has many beneficial and has positive effect to humanity, it has at the same time had its negative effect. This would go worse for humanity if ethical considerations are not set in place to minimize it's excesses. Recently I washed a movie titled "leave the world behind",there was a scene that showed how the self driving cars were malfunctioning and were causing a huge road block. As we can see these vehicles have the potential to with the use of artificial intelligence and autopiloting to ensure road safety and efficiency but also , these can go haywire and malfunction at any time.

Another instance where the technological advancement of artificial intelligence is causing more harm than good is in the area of education, there is the complaint that nowadays students are so relentless in studying hard. They now rely on artificial intelligence to write their assignment project or seminars in view of this school management who are caught in this arct this could be through the use of AI detective tools.

Innovation has proven very effective and sufficient since the implementation of the artificial intelligence and implementing them in our daily activities, but this can have negative effect such as causing job displacement and unemployment nationwide. These machines are constantly replacing human beings at their jobs, because AI can do a number of activities. Staffs of companies are laid off leaving them stranded and jobless. For example, in the area of customer care representatives, ai performs the responsive roles that were meant to be carried out by humans. Data analysts are made to quit their jobs because AI does a better job at predicting and analyzing data

Another instance where innovation can cause harm if not regulated is in the aspect of social media manipulation. Just like we experience everyday on social media, some platforms are so free that they neglect the application of ethics to guide the morals of engagement and conversations. On social media, people engage in passing fake informations, spread rumors, tarnish people's image and facilitate propaganda. These has over the past years led to depression or damaging of people's career and reputation. Ethical laws can be set in place to handicap such activities. Take the hive Blockchain or inleo platform for example, people engage positively and give constructive arguments as at when due, there has not be a moment of harsh words being spoken.

To curtail these negative effects of innovations and technology, the government should enable to set up task force that would first analyse and experience the positive and negative impacts these innovation can have and then come up with rules and regulations to tackle future occurrences.

The April inleo prompt has commenced for the new month, it's an opportunity to take on topics of your choice and write on them. Check the link above to participate.

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