
Blockchains have incorporated the means of gamifying their platforms as a means to draw the attention of members and also to attract new comers in ecosystem. Gamification has occurred in several forms where people carry out tasks and get rewarded for their efforts on the particular subject. In this case, contest are have been beneficial in the leoverse to expose members to products and services going on in the blockchain. Also, they cover various topics related to leofinance that has to do with crypto, finance and everything Leo. As an ecosystem developed on web3 it's major aim is to expand knowledge on financial matters.

When I first got on the hive blockchain some years back, I had little or no idea what the leoverse was all about. I kept seeing somewhat complicated posts on crypto, I didn't know where to start from. Then, the leofinance team @leogrowth organised a contest for newbies to write an article on the estimation of foodstuff in our currency. This contest was the big break for me. Later on there were few contest by some individuals on the platform. Again, the just concluded zealy campaign was a contest that brought about an active participation in carry out tasks which had rules and deadlines.

From the name of the contest "leo&hodl", it is a fusion of leofinance and hodlcommunity coming together. Although, I participated in other contest although they were not consistent until #leo&hodl contest hosted by the @hodlcommunity came up. Always hosted by @idiosyncratic1, it has been consistent, rules are made to ensure that the knowledge is distributed across platforms, the rewards and always sent as at when due to winners. The interesting part is that these contest have a way of rewarding the best top articles and it has made more people participate and explore the leoverse.

To participate in leo&hodl contest simply follow the community page as stated above, join the discord channel for more information. In the contest endeavor to follow the rules, so you won't be disqualified. New members are welcome anytime.

HODL contest

What are the benefits of existing LEO contests to LeoVerse?

  • BOOSTS ENGAGEMENT : One of the major benefits of Leo contest to the leoverse is a means to boost engagement on the platform. A medium where people explore and carry out researches about a particular subject and become knowledgeable in that field. When such articles are written, comments, criticism are made this enhancing engagements.

  • MOTIVATION : some writers complain of having writers block sometimes when they do not have anything to write about. Contest come in handy as the prompts or topics given can serve as a motivation to do something worthwhile. In terms of motivation, it gives one an opportunity to showcase their talents in the field of crypto knowledge and to prove their versatility in llthe Leo ecosystem.

  • LEO REWARDS: for instance the leo&hodl contest carry out weekly contests by given out topics, in return the community supports the participant in the contest by up voting their posts, hence they earn in Leo and hive tokens. Also, at the end of the contest which is always a Sunday, top three articles and selected and awarded 100leo,50leo and 25leo respectively, while the other are compensated with other hive engine tokens. This act helps members to grow their stake and participate in lpud.

  • RAISE AWARENESS: Leo contest are known to raise awareness about existing Leo products or just released products. For instance, the #hodlcontest has got members reviewing Leo products like daily Leo, lpud, leodex, leoglossary, new UI, project blank, LeoThreads, zealy quests and so many more.

  • IMPROVE SEO: Leo contest have a means of making Leo product become global through the strict instruction of incorporating leoglossary links of Leo terms in the articles. Through this means we can improve our search engine rankings, hence, with the implementation of keywords we will be adding a decentralized database of information and this is perfect for search engine algorithms.

Why and How should LeoFinance have contests?
Contests on the leoverse is so limited, thankfully the just concluded zealy campaign had many contest suitable for every lion.

LeoFinance should have contest, especially when a new product is been released or updated. This would encourage members both old and new to try them out, explore them and in turn give feedbacks that would enable the team work on their weaknesses. During the release of the new leofinance alpha, the #hodlcommunity, gave a contest where lions gave honest review of the pros and cons of the new UI.

LeoFinance can organised contest through partnership with various communities that have shared values like @indiaUnited. The #leofinance team can do a weekly or monthly contest where people can talk of virtually everything that has to do with finance.

How about a new crypto / economy focused weekly contest that is by LeoFinance team?
There are lots of financial issues going on globally and there are matters that could serve as news outlet in the leoverse through peoples blog. The team could arrange for either weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly contest that member would look out for. With instructions on what to do that would benefit both the Leo ecosystem and the individual.

This would enable crypto bloggers especially newcomers find their feet in the community and help them engage more.

What conetsts are the best contests for the ecosystem?
As a crypto and financial based community, the contest in this space could specialize in

  • binance,
  • finance
  • blockchain
  • internet of things
  • digital banking
  • open banking
  • internet banking
  • cyber security
  • quantum computing
  • smart contracts
  • Cryptocurrency
  • artificial intelligence
  • big data
  • financial technology

Compare the contest in crypto and Leofinance.

The vast difference in contest carried out concerning crypto is that it is based solely on everything that has to to with currency that exists digitally or virtually but in leofinance, the contest covers both crypto(mildly) and leofinance matters.

This is my entry for the leo&hodl contest. I invite @seyipaul2 and@jmis101 to check it out.

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1 column