Excitement Behind LVL


Perhaps you missed it. I definitely did not. I was just powerless this time. The moment I entered the Hive, the community was buzzing about Psyber-X, a new game that will be coming out in the next couple months. Their base token is LVL which, based on information from their posts:

  1. Will be used for many games that @saltyreptile is creating.
  2. Will be used for game play and rewards for the Psyber-X game.
  3. Will be used to determine who gets airdropped Crates (for every 200K you are hodling on a 60 day average, you get 1 crate per month). These crates will retail for approx. $20 USD when available on their marketplace, and once the marketplace is available, those with 200K LVL will get a 30% discount...and the crates have NFT's for gameplay.
  4. There is a cap of 500 million LVL. There won't be any more created.
  5. Due to LVL being used for multiple games @saltyreptile is creating, there is a percentage being held for future games, causing even greater scarcity. I believe it is 30%, but I need to go back and read my sources. IF that's true, that's 150 million LVL off the market immediately.
  6. The richlist is obtainable with 500K LVL in holding, which is worth nearly $1,500 USD...but was about $750 up until YESTERDAY.
  7. The token started getting hot in December, took a break to level out (see what I did there), and just got attention again.
  8. More attention is going to be given to this token over the next few weeks, not less.
  9. There is a preview on Instagram of the game that is spectacular and the game will be available via Unity. For game players...this is big.
  10. Psyber-X is a first person shooter game, meaning it will be very interactive and full of dopamine hits. Think of it as Fortnite 2.0+.
  11. You have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor, so to speak. The Founder spots were just taken a couple months ago...it's that new to Hive.
  12. The price has Quadrupled in 2 months and (not financial advice) will likely do so again after the game launch date is set.
  13. This is not a card game. No disrespect to Splinterlands...they have helped Hive be a mainstream blockchain...but this game will squash Splinterlands, imo.

unsplash picture

It's not every day that you get to see money lying around. To me, this game and your knowledge of its coming out is like seeing money lying around and all you have to do is pay the doorkeeper to get in and grab it...it's not financial advice because I'm not fit to give that, but I feel like there will be people who are on that richlist right now who will be seeing $1 LVL tokens enriching their lives because they were willing to take action now, when everyone else was taking pictures of their neighborhood ballparks or food they are eating...no disrespect to the photography people here with flip phones...

There's a movement...and they've got guns (metaphorically speaking)...

Do you have any LVL?

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