Splinterlands - Rebellion & My Strategy Ahead...

Hey All,

I guess its time to switch gears a bit from accumulating #SPS to forming a plan to buying the new cards packs #REBELLION that would be available for presale starting Wednesday, October 18th, at 2:00 PM ET / 18:00 UTC in the shop section of the Splinterlands website. The presale will continue for 30 days or until all 500K presale packs are sold out, whichever comes first. All this time I had been working on a plan to accumulate as many #SPS as I could and had been targeting 300K+ #SPS and I am almost there with another 20K+ #SPS to be accumulated.

Splinterlands - Rebellion & My Strategy Ahead...

Lets now directly jump into my strategy ahead with Rebellion sale round the corner. Incase you are wondering about the announcement from the #splinterlands team around it - then you can refer the detailed post - The Rebellion is Coming! Here The following excerpt from the post caught my attention because it contains details about discounts and the use of VOUCHER tokens to secure even greater savings, up to a maximum of 20%. I believe this is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to purchase #Rebellion packs using VOUCHER tokens. Incase you don't #HODL VOUCHER tokens go grab them before its too late and I am sure you are not going to regret this decision of buying the VOUCHER tokens.

Purchases of 100 or more Rebellion booster packs from the Splinterlands shop in a single transaction will be eligible for 5% additional packs at a cost of 5 VOUCHER tokens each. At 500 packs or more the bonus eligibility increases to 10%, and at 2,000 packs or more the bonus eligibility increases to 15%.

Moving further on my plan for #Rebellion then I am targeting to buying 250 packs as of now. Considering I leverage VOUCHER tokens this is going to cost me around - 250 * $3.10 = $775 so we can say on an approximate $800+ The other part that comes into picture is the currency with which you can buy the packs. Each Rebellion booster pack will have a base price of 5000 #Credits or 5000 #DEC & with VOUCHER discounts applied you can buy a pack for 4000 #Credits or #DEC. And how can I forget my DEC-SPS liquidity pool which I had been growing slowly and I guess the time has now come to take advantage of it.

As seen from the above image, I have close to 700K+ #DEC parked in the liquidity pool therefore I am going to leverage #DEC here to buy the Rebellion packs. I would need around [ 4000 * 250 ] 1 Million #DEC so I am short of 300K+ #DEC here which I plan to buy some from the internal market and some is going to come from my cards rental stream and #SPS delegation. What about the 41K #SPS? The answer is simple, I am not going to touch it and all this #SPS goes to the staking pool and as a result this will also help me in achieving my long term GOAL for #SPS of having 300K+ #SPS staked. Ok after having sorted out the #DEC part which will take the major chunk of money. I now need to work out to having VOUCHER tokens and for that I have already started to buying these tokens from the internal market.

I would need around 1250 #VOUCHER tokens, I do #HODL some and at the same time getting them daily via the staking rewards. So hopefully I should be able to accumulate all the VOUCHER tokens by then and if by chance I am not able to get the VOUCHER tokens by the price I am looking for then would target the market price as there is no other option. I guess that's petty much it for this blog post. So definitely, I am looking forward to the SALE of #Rebellion cards and for now the target is to buy at least 250 card packs... cheers

Splinterlands - Rebellion & My Strategy Ahead...

#splinterlands #sps #rebellion #hodl #nfts #dec #land #hivegames #cardstrading #crads #defi #apr #spsaccumulation

Have Your Say On #Splinterlands Overall... #Rebellion #SPS

Do you plan to buy the #Rebellion packs? How many card packs are you targeting? Did you buy some land/plots? HODL Vs SELL - SPS? How is your Investment in the Splinterlands Game looking like? Doubled? Tripled? Do you plan to buy #license Node? Howz your over #SPS stack looking like? And what has been our latest strategy in the game Splinterlands? Please let me know in the comment section below...

Best Regards


Image Courtesy:: leofinance, splinterlands, pro canva, peakmonster, beeswap

PS:- None of the above is a FINANCIAL Advice. Please DYOR; Do your own research. I've an interest in Blockchain & Cryptos and have been investing in many emerging projects..cheers

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