Financial Freedom:: What's Your Financial Independence Number?

Hey All;


In this blog post, I want to talk about Financial Freedom and the Number that I've set for myself that once achieved, I would say that - Yes; I'm Financial Free. Money that we wish to have is never going to be enough. Once you get that money what you were thinking of; say $1 Mil. the desire to have more and more money arises. Hence it becomes imperative to set a goal for yourself on the Financial Freedom Number & once you achieve iT just enjoy life and do all the things you ever wished for. From buying your dream house to helping your dear ones to buying that luxury car you always wanted - once you achieve Your Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom

In simple words, Financial Freedom is all about taking ownership of your finances in a way that You are not worried about how you’ll pay your bills or sudden expenses. And at the same time, you aren’t burdened with any kind of debt. May it be housing/personal/educational or any other kind of loan; you have an answer to it once You have achieved your Financial Freedom.

Most people around the world are striving for some kind of Financial Freedom. Let's take my example only, I have a housing loan running, need sufficient cash for my kid's educations, family health care, have a plan to buy a small farmhouse, retirement corpus & some expenses here and there. So if I sum it all; I need close to $800K+ which turns out to be Rs.6 Cr. to be achieved. If I am able to get this money then I would happily say that I'm Financial Free.

Financial Freedom with Cryptos.. Welcome to the Crypto World

Did you ever think that by doing a 9 to 5 Job; you could achieve your Financial Freedom much early. Normally if all goes well in the Job OR any other family business that you are into & if your financial planning went well, then it would take a person to be Financial Free at the age of 60 or maybe even more.

But still, there is no guarantee that a person could achieve his or her Financial Freedom with the Job that he does for a living. There are likely chances that one could be Financial Free with just their Jobs.

Welcome to the Crypto world and we are seeing many instances where people have already started their Financial Freedom journey already. And the best part is that they are not in their 60s; now that they are financially free they have sufficient time to enjoy life and do what they like doing. They don't have any boss to whom they have to listen; they are their own bosses and are leading a happy life which they always craved for.

My Financial Freedom Number & Plan

So as I stated in the above paragraph my Financial Freedom number is $800K+ which is Rs. 6 Cr in Indian currency. I think with the investments that I have made in the Crypto there are high chances that I could achieve my Financial Freedom Number. My major investment includes in the following projects::

  • HIVE:: 58K+ HIVE all Powered Up
  • LEO:: 8K+ LEO tokens all Powered Up
  • CubDeFi:: 3.2K+ CUBs Parked in CUB DEN
  • LBRY/Odysee:: 160K+ LBCs Staked
  • VIDYA Game DeFI:: 80K+ VIDYA tokens
  • TRAVALA; AVA 2.4K+
  • AND other Hive-engine tokens

I'm in no rush but am of the belief that at least I can see a way out to my Financial Freedom. If the projects that I listed above in the near future goes to the Moon/Skyrockets it's tata bye-bye to everything & am just going to sit relax and enjoy my Financial Freedom. I don't know when it's going to come but what I'm sure about is that it's Coming SooN... Now a quick note on how I would like to spend the money; I'm not going into specifics but am highlighting the major things that I would like to do with the magic number of $800K+ which turns out to be Rs.6 Cr.

  • Pay off all My debts
  • Buy 2 Bed Room Apartment & generate rental income
  • Buy a small farmhouse
  • Help all my family members & people close to me

All the above would cost me half of my magical number i.e. $400K+ & the rest is going to be kept safe & be used for fulling all the dreams of my family, helping people around & other things that I always wanted to do once I'm Financial Free; Just Chill N Relax N Njoy Life.. without any burden on You... :-)

What is your financial independence number?

Let me know in the comment box below & do you think that investing in Crypto will get you there?


Best Regards..

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PS:: Image Credits:: Pro Canava License Version

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