The Intuitive Feel As A Business Person


When we study our business or anything we do to make ends meet; to a great extent, we start getting intuition, like we do it almost automatically. We get to a point where we don't have to consciously be thinking while doing what we do. It's like we function instinctively. That should be the aim of every business person.

That point where you can make accurate deliveries without fully exerting yourself in whatever you do. Some people call this the finger feel effect, where it feels like you can feel the entirety of what you do as an instinct. Everybody wants this, but only few can actually have this. This is the ability that the top guns in different fields possess.

You can only attain this level of mastery and intuition as a result of several hours of study and practice. There's an old saying that, in order to become a master and have intuitive powers in any field, you have to practice for at at least 10,000 hours. This is a very intense kind of learning. It's the way intuition is gotten.


As an entrepreneur, what one should be asking one's self is how long, how many hours have you spent reading and studying businesses and how they function. These are really difficult tasks, and not many people can sacrifice the amount of time it requires to go through these kind of things, in order to become intuitive at it.

Intuition is very important both in our personal lives as well as our financial lives. Without the studies and putting in the hours it takes to have intuitions that tend to be correct, one may have to rigorously think consciously through every decision. We especially see this in the sports, you see some players move intuitively and get the great outcomes. On the other hand, you see some other players who you can see them struggling through every situation thinking of the right thing to do - this is probably as a result of the fact that they not studied and practiced enough to get the intuitive feel.

Thanks for reading. If you have any contribution, kindly drop it in the comment section below. Bye for now!!!


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