The morning habits of billionaires

I had some free time today so I decided to make a comparison of some of the allegged practices and habits about getting up in the morning that highly successful people (billionaires mainly) have. Just to have some kind of an idea of the things that most of them have in common.

In no particular order, here are some of the findings:

1. Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook

  • With a net worth of 76.7 billion dollars, mr. Zuckerberg gets up at 8 AM roughly every day. Special thing about him: he wears a similar t-shirt to work everyday to avoid wasting time on choosing what to wear.

2. Jack Dorsey, one of the founders of Twitter

  • With a net worth of 5.1 billion dollars, mr. Dorsey wakes up at 5.30 AM in order to meditate early and have a 5-6 mile jog.

3. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon

  • With a net worth of 131 billion dollars, Bezos wakes up at 5 AM every day in order to have breakfast with his family and starts his day with some of the most important meetings that he has.

4. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

  • With a net worth of 96.5 billion dollars, Bill Gates wakes up at roughly 7 AM - and is known to be training his body and brain by running on a trademill while watching educational videos.

5. Oprah, media person

  • With a net worth of 2.6 billion dollars, Oprah is waking up at 6 AM roughly every day, and is known to visualize the hour she wants to wake up before going to bed.

6. Elon Musk, everyone's favorite celebrity these days

  • With a net worth of 34 billion dollars, Elon sleeps around 6 to 6,5 hours per night. He drinks a lot of coffee during the day - maybe it explains some of his latest Twitter decisions 😁😁

7. Jack Ma, Chinese businessman

  • With a net worth of 39 billion dollars, mister Ma wakes up every morning at around 6 AM in order to have some quality family time that helps him keep up his spirits high in the face of criticism. Quite needed in China I guess.

8. Jay Z, rapper

  • With a net worth of 1 billion dollars, Jay Z starts his day at 6 AM with some running on a treadmill.

So, what is quite interesting is how all of these successful people tend to be early birds. Rising early is of course way way easier when you have billions on the line 😂 Having said that, I also wanted to share my thoughts onto how YOU, the person reading this and also ME, the person writing this can improve some of our habbits:

9. ME and YOU

  • With a net worth of merely a fraction of a billion dollars (I guess lol), this space is dedicated to both of US, to keep believing in our dreams - and to keep accumulating. HIVE and BTC is looking strong and healthy during these past couple of days - so we should continue learning high income skills, keep continuing to extend and diversify our portfolio - so that we can atleast gain some financial freedom on our neverending path.🤗

Have a great day ahead of you lovely Ecencians. 💗

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