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NFTs; a great deal in the virtual world.

I got to know about NFT (Non-Fungible Token) a few years ago and nothing about it sounded realistic to me. The idea of making money from art wasn't convincing enough and I assumed it was just a way to lock people's money somewhere and cart away with it all in the name of cryptocurrency and art.


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I saw testimonies of people minting NFTs and selling it for huge sums of money. The thought of what happens after acquiring artworks for millions bothered me.

Will I just keep it and hope I get a buyer or what? Wouldn't it just be a waste at the end of the day?

This isn't the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci or a painting from centuries ago, so why invest so much in them?

The idea of NFT never made sense to me until I discovered it had more use cases than just minting, listing it on NFT market hoping someone pays for it. If it had been just that, I doubt if NFT will still get the attention of many people in the crypto verse today.


NFT is indeed beyond art and its use cases in the world today are just incredible.

NFT in the gaming world.

This is the first use case of NFT I got to know, Non Fungible tokens took the gaming industry to the next level. If I am not mistaken, it was Axie Infinity I knew first then because I met a few players and a lot of people made lots of money from the game.

It got interesting knowing that you can actually breed with your Axie NFTs and sell them to other players or probably use them. I got to know about Splinterlands and that was a whole different level of crypto and gaming.

I am not into RPG, combat, or adventure games so I haven't tried most of the NFT games. Understanding the concepts of these blockchain games inspired me to send an email to one of my favorite football games creator about taking a version of their game to the blockchain but I didn't get any feedback.

It would have been great if we could purchase football players as NFT, use them to win money when we win competitions, and can as well sell them to other game players when we feel like we don't need them anymore.

Games on blockchain have taken the challenge or competition to the next level and if NFT has done nothing to the world, its impacts on the gaming industry can't be overlooked.


Digital proof of ownership.

Before now, possessing a series of documents is the traditional way of proving that a possession belongs to you but NFT made things different.
With NFT, you don't have to protect documents physically or be scared of losing them cheaply to someone and this doesn't apply to just virtual assets only, even physical assets proof of ownership can be converted to NFT. Those documents proving your ownership can be converted to NFTs and that is awesome for me.

What if someone creates a replica? Unlike Cryptocurrency with so a huge supply, NFTs come in a single unit and every NFT has classified data that is only accessible by the real owner. The genuine replica can only be created by the real owner of the assets if he or she chooses to do so.

I don't know if it is advisable but I have read about people eradicating the physical proof so as the make the digital proof the only proof of ownership. There is no need for double proof of ownership, having two even puts the owner of the assets at risk.

NFT in a virtual world.

Things have practically gone beyond what they used to be in the virtual world, NFTs have grown so big that it holds significant importance in the virtual world.

In the virtual world, a lot of people trust the use of NFTs for their virtual assets because of the power it gives them as owners. Using NFTs as assets gives you security over your assets which is very important because every virtual asset is just as important as a physical asset.

In the Metaverse, for instance, there are lots of properties owned by people. The use of NFT is what makes many assets owner on the Metaverse confident and assured that they didn't just waste their money.

The classified data every asset carries makes it unique to the owner, investing in the Metaverse without NFTs would have been a joke to me. Without NFT, trading in the virtual world would be insecure and probably impossible. The use of NFT has made many activities such as buying, selling, and others possible in the virtual world.
That's not all, NFTs are now being adopted in the music industry, sports industry, fashion industry, and many others which means we have seen the best of NFTs use cases.

What the future holds for NFT is something we can not predict because of how fast and bigger its use cases are growing in reality and the virtual world but so far, it has made a positive impact in the virtual world.