What Is Your ONE REASON Why You Love Hive?

Most of us love Hive for one reason or another. Many of us love it for more than one reason. You might find it surprisingly difficult to choose only one reason why you love Hive. It was difficult for me.


Is it because of our core community, Hive's layer 0? Our community is certainly the heart and soul that gives life to this technology and the ones that would defend it fiercely, as we have seen on the previous blockchain when we were under attack by the trophy collector who loses interest as soon as he gets what he sets his eyes on.

It's hard for me to say our community is not THE ONE reason why I love Hive. As great as our community is, the world is big, and probably we are not unique in our fight for a cause.

Hmm, what if we throw account ownership into the mix? This is something pretty rare, and almost unique in a social, functional, thriving ecosystem (which Hive is).

If people own their accounts and have a stake in the game, they have additional motivation to defend what they have built. It's like building your own business. You'll try to keep it afloat despite hardships because it's yours. You've been with it during good and bad times.

But still, maybe something is missing. If you have account ownership, but (some of) your transactions could be censored at any time (cough, cough... st33m, at one point during the takeover and after the split), how would you feel? And how safe would your account ownership seem under these conditions, if censorship is possible? Ask some major investors who were robbed of their coins on the same blockchain.

So, my ONE reason to love Hive has to be censorship resistance. That guarantees account ownership too. And empowers the community.

Now it's your turn.

What is your ONE REASON why you love Hive?

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