My Hive Goals in 2024

It's not yet the end of 2023, so it feels a little strange to set my goals for 2024 before I have my final update for the goals of 2023.

This is the most complete plan I ever did for crypto, in general, not just Hive, although I will only talk about the Hive part. It has quite a few "if ... then" logical decisions (or rather "case" selectors - programmers will surely understand the reference), so it's not as simple as "accumulate x HIVE" or "accumulate y amount of HBD in savings".

However, the goals I'll present publicly won't have all the details to make them easier to read and follow.

Since I generally messed up the taking profit part during the previous bull markets, this is a major focus for me during this bull market, to have a good balance between taking profit and enjoying the earnings from this part of the cycle.

I start from the premise this bull market will extend well into 2025, so I don't expect the majority of taking profit to happen in 2024, but I have the necessary steps in the plan in case we have major price appreciation on the assets I hold.

On Hive, my long-term main focus remains more HIVE Power. However, in 2024 and probably the next year, it will be a side interest, at most. That hopefully doesn't mean that these two years will be wasted for my long-term goal of increasing my HIVE Power because I plan to have more during the accumulation phase than I would have if I kept powering up. It's an experiment, and we will see if I can make this happen.

Throughout the year, I will make different investments in the ecosystem, but I will not once lose sight of my long-term goal mentioned above. And I have steps in my plan to make sure I won't.

Ok, that was a pretty long introduction.

2024 Goals

I'll split my Hive goals from 2024 into two categories:

  • activity-based goals
  • financial-based goals (including Web 3 games, since assets have a "monetary" value)

Something to keep in mind: activity can influence financial goals, but amassing tokens does not influence activity-based goals.


This is the first time when I've made this an official goal.

My goal is to publish at least 350 posts in 2024, which is close to one a day. I kept a margin to allow for some days off or some unforeseen circumstances.

Among the posts I want to write, is my "Week through Adrian's Lenses" news update, which I intend to continue to publish weekly and is part of this goal (which means I don't intend to skip weeks).

The weekly update on the goals' progress is also something that I will continue doing.

Comments Made

I intend to keep the same target as this year for this goal: 5,000 comments, which is almost 14 comments a day. I tried 6k in 2023 and didn't work out for me, had to lower it. And the previous year I missed this goal entirely.

52-Week HBD Challenge

I will embark for the first time on a 52-week challenge characterized by weekly deposits of HBD into savings starting with an initial amount and increasing every week with the amount of the initial deposit.

Here's what this looks like, when fully completed (thanks to @elianaicgomes for doing the initial work on this sheet and sharing it):

I doubted seriously if I should start with a $1 or a $2 step, but in the end, I decided on $1 since I believe the bull market will extend into 2025 and we'll have time to accumulate more HBD then.

Then, I like the progressive nature of this challenge, as it might follow a progressive increase in the price of HIVE during 2024. So, you'd only need higher amounts of HBD in the second part of the year, when, hopefully, HIVE will have reached higher price levels too.

However, this goal is not price-dependent (at least not to a higher degree than any token accumulation goals), so I expect to complete it, despite a tougher second part of the year, when I'll have to come up with higher amounts of HBD weekly.

LEO Staked

This target might surprise you. I am aiming only for 25,000 LEO staked, starting from (probably) 22,500. So, only 2,500 additionally. What kind of target is that?

Well, I have a problem. I don't believe that aiming for a staking percentage as high as possible is the best idea. That's why, especially now in the bull market, I will be focusing on building up some liquidities after hitting that staking goal.

I have something else prepared with part of my LEO stake, but I'm waiting for confirmation that it's on before talking about it.

Unlock All 100 Plots of Land

This was pre-announced and a normal target since I have a tract on Splinterlands. I currently have 30 plots unlocked and producing on Land, and that number will need to go to 100, meaning all of them.


This is the first time I have included HoloZing as a goal, officially. I'll start with a conservative goal of 25,000 ZING (in all forms), preferring to increase it if or when the time comes, rather than setting too high expectations from the beginning.

Final Words

The goals above may seem pretty straightforward - and they are -, but behind and alongside them, there are many bullet points with things to do when certain conditions are met or regularly. It's the first time when I put many of these actions or potential actions in writing in such detail.

Let's give one example to see how complex this can become.

As long as the HIVE price is below 50 cents, swap 2/3 of the HBD part of the author rewards to HIVE and keep the rest as HBD; move both to a different account. (weekly or when occasion arises)

The HIVE portion is divided 3-ways each with its destination. Each destination can be and is broken down further.

The HBD part is used to fund the challenge, going through savings while waiting to be used.

Some (future) actions may seem unexpected or hard to explain when taken separately, but they are all part of a bigger plan.

In fact, since wallets are pretty basic on Hive (and probably should be kept relatively basic on the base layer to minimize risks), I had to create a few other accounts to better manage balances with different roles/destinations. And possibly will create more if I need to.

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