Splinterlands - Tips For Beginners - Did You Hear Of This Game?!


Are you looking for a new game to tip your toes in? Are you interested in strategic card games with a bunch of options to play? Or are you a fan of collecting cards and make them stronger over time? Well, if you answered any of these questions with yes, then search no further! In this post, we will talk about Splinterlands and the mechanics behind it. We will discuss why this game is very similar to a digital Yugioh and will heave elements of Hearthstone. And yes, if this article will make you motivated to play this game, you can always join by following this link, so join the fun!



We will start off with the fundamentals of this game. The goal of this game is to win battles. Every battle takes about 2-3 min of your time, so it is a rather quick pace game. Before, every battle you need to select your team that you are sending out. Each team consists of 6 units and one summoner, but more on that a little later. Furthermore, you have a restriction on what units you are able to play. Each unit and summoner is different in itself and the stronger a unit is, the more mana it costs to play it. This is why this game covers a lot of strategic aspects. If you have 15 mana available you can use the majority of it on one single great unit or you can try to distribute the workload on different shoulders.

Not only that, but each battle has its own set of rules. While one battle can have the Earthquake rule, where each ground unit will get 2 damage each turn, there are other rules that might prohibit you to use Magic attacking monsters. This means that there is little chance that a battle will be the same as the other one, since there are just so many combinations. With that being said, let’s talk about the units and summoners for a second.

Generally speaking, you need to have a summoner in each team. This card determines which Element of units you will be using and how strong your units can be during the battle. What do I mean by that? Well, each summoner has a leveling curve which determines how strong a unit can be dependent on its rarity. Not only that, but each summoner can also boost our unit’s values. A very specific example is Tarsa: She grants every Melee monster an additional attack and each unit an additional Health point.


Let’s also quickly talk about the different Elements and attacking types. There are 4 attacking types in the game: Melee, Ranged, Magic and non-attacking monsters. All have different abilities and attributes, but this is something to discover in further posts. The most important thing to know is that every unit in the game can be useful in certain situations, so do not disregard any unit in this game. On top of that there are a total of 6 different Elements that you can play: Earth, Fire, Water, Death, Life & Dragons. There is a very cool backstory to the whole of this universe, so if you have a little bit of time, you could read the lore about it.


Early Stage Strategy & Experience Share

Now that we talked about the game itself, let’s explore on how to get started and what the early stage strategy might look like. As we established, there are a few different Elements out there. Now this might be overwhelming in the beginning which is why I would focus to experience each Element separately. I would start off just using one certain Element for 10 battles and then switch it up. At this point I would not purchase any cards yet because you need to understand the game. With each battle, you will get not only your experience but also see how your opponent operates and learn from them. This makes it a rather steep learning curve that will help you to understand the game rather quickly.

With that being said, once you have a good grip on how the mechanics work, focus on one to two Elements only. In my case it was Earth and Fire, because it was the easiest for me to understand. Who knows, maybe you will go with Water and Life. What I want to come to is, that you do not need a team in every Element to be successful. Furthermore, I would focus on the summoners first. Which ones are worth the investment and which ones can not help you at all. This decision you need to do for yourself, but bear in mind that Magic attackers are very powerful historically.


After you got your summoners set up, focus and develop the units that you are using the most. It makes sense to make them stronger, so that you can secure more wins during a season. This leads me to the last aspect of the actual game that I wanted to talk about today: The Rewards. Each season, which is taking between 14 to 16 days, you are getting a season reward containing different levels of treasure chests. In those you have the chance to earn either SPS, Potions or Rewards Cards. Now, I am a big fan of Reward Cards, but I think that most people prefer SPS. If you don’t know what that is, it is the in-game governing currency which can help you to vote for stuff or buy new cards in the future. On top of the seasonal rewards, you are able to earn daily rewards which are structured very similar to the season rewards only that they occur daily.

Power of Community

Now that I covered a few aspects of this game, let’s talk about the awesome community. I am very sure that if help is needed, there is always a helpful hand ready to help! Not only on Discord but also on Hive, there are plenty of supporters and can even help you out in different situations insider the game. I think alone the fact that there is a Hive section for this game alone, with numbers of players that share their experience, tactics and knowledge about this game is just amazing. I remember in my early stages 3 years ago, I was able to get a lot of advice through the Discord group and I would encourage everyone to join! Last but not least, there is always incentive to write about your experience in the game for the devs to make the game better, but also for other people to read through you posts and upvote it! 😊

Published by ga38jem on
On 2nd January 2024

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