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Splinterlands - Strategies - Iidri Fyre!


Are you new to Splinterlands and searching for some advice, then you found the correct series! In this Beginner’s Guide Series, we are discussing things that new players of Splinterlands should know or try to learn. In this specific episode I want to talk about a very specific card that could change your entire look on the Splinters! Until recently, I was always regarding the Water Splinter as one of the strongest Teams to choose from and also always very superior to the normal Fire Teams. But this all changed when I first used Iidri Fyre! In this post we will talk about this card, see what strategy I have chosen and last but not least show you an example battle against a way superior opponent. With that being said, if this article motivated you to start playing this amazing game, then feel free to join the fun over the following link:

Iidri Fyre

First things first, let’s talk about the card Iidri Fyre. On the top of it, this card does not look to be a very unbelievable savior. With no attack, 3 armor and 8 health, this card loos very useless in the first place, but stay with me for a second here. This card comes with the Taunt Ability which gives Fire finally a card to steer the opponent’s attacks. On top of that, this card gets the Redemption Ability on level 2. This will be extremely important in the battle against the Water Splinter.

Why? Well, the simple reason is that with Taunt, this card will be most likely the first card to die. Combined with the redemption Ability, we are able to delete the additional Armor that is being granted by the Water summoner Kelya. This also means that in most cases when water monsters will not have armor, we are able to hit directly with our big guys! Additionally, to that, there are some ways of getting extra attack on this Taunt card and this is what we will talk about in the next part.


Great Combinations!

With the latest expansion, we did get a few cards with the Weapons Training ability. I think that this ability makes this game so much more enjoyable and gives support cards a lot more usability! Well, in the Fire Element we are having the Ferexian Hero which grants all cards without attack a portion of his attack points. This means that our Iidri Fyre is getting bumped up to 3 attacking points considering every other buff. This makes our Taunted tank a very usable card for only 6 mana! On top of that, the second position card will be our Ferexian Hero with 3 attack himself that he can use due to his Reach Ability.

All in all a pretty good combination if you ask me. It is getting better if there is a ruleset where Melee attackers are able to attack from any position we want, but this would not be the regular battle. What’s more is that we now can use our Sneak and Opportunity cards more effective. We do not have to fear for them being sniped straight in the first round. This is why the Sneak Strategy is back on the menu! With the Fire Splinter having tons of these cards and with the additional attack boost, these cards will become a nightmare. Monsters like Mordeus or Sand Worm are becoming very usable all of a sudden and will make your opponent’s life a living hell.

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Example Battle

With that being said, let’s jump straight into the best example of this strategy. As you can see we are up against a very superior opponent. Not only is his summoner on level 4 but he also has very high leveled cards. On the other hand we also have some leveled cards, but are definitely not on his level. After a few hits we are immediately losing our taunted tank, which worked as designed! His armored cards are getting immediately shattered and the additional armor on all of them is getting lost. This makes it easy for us to destroy his Taunted card in the back.

In the second round we are losing our Hero as well. At this point it is clear that our strategy is up for a good test and that our opponent is definitely not weak. But after that, we are able to get rid of his tank as well as very closely deleting his Deeplurker which we delete first thing in the next round. Unfortuenately for us, our numbers are getting decimated quickly. The only hope that we are having left is our Sandworm which has 6 attacking points! Because his cards are not as heavy in the attacking anymore, we are able to clutch in the end and get this well deserved win!


Previous Beginner’s Guides:

Fire Reward Cards

Water Reward Cards

Life Reward Cards

Death Reward Cards

Splinter Tier List!

Published by ga38jem on
On 18th May 2023