How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking As An Entrepreneur

Good day everyone! I'm starting a new series, titled, How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking. The fear of public speaking is also known as Glossophobia, and it affects a lot of people. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you will have to be giving some public speaking to your employees or your investors, so there is need for you to overcome the fear of public speaking. In this article, I will be sharing with you one awesome tips on how you can be able to overcome the fear of public speaking.

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Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Practice! Practice! Practice!

There is no shortcut to success. You need to practice your public speaking skill. As they normally say "Practice makes perfect". The more you practice a skill the better you are at the skill and when you are finally better or perfect at doing something, you don't feel anxious to do it. You feel more confident because all the months or years of practice will have build your confidence level, making you less anxious about that particular skill you have been trying to improve on. Same applies to public speaking, practice more and more. First practice on your own in front of the mirror. Practicing your speech in front of the mirror as if you are speaking directly to someone is a fast way to really learn and improve your public speaking skill. While at it, pay attention to your facial expressions, your gesture, your body movement and how welcoming you appear. If you have a gentle expression and a calm demeanor when you speak, you will be more welcoming to your audience. Don't forget to record yourself while practicing your speech. Then watch and listen to it when you are done. Take notes of how you can make it better, It is also important that you get used to your own voice and speaking style, so your voice won't feel strange to you when you hear it from a speaker system. As your confidence level grow and you notice you feel less nervous, take your well written script to a friend and rehearse rigorously, in front of him/her until you feel you are ready to face your audience. Be sure to tell the person to be completely honest with you in their critique. Nothing takes the place of practicing and preparing for your speech. Write out a script of your key points and get familiar with it enough to be able to read it from your heart. In the end, what makes a good public speaker is a positive outlook and lots of patience, preparation and practice. So keep practicing!

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Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

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