How To Live A Happier Life As An Entrepreneur - Part 3

Good day everyone! This is the third part of this interesting series, titled, How To Live A Happier Life As An Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are sometimes too busy to have fun and laugh, but it is quite necessary we live a happy life as entrepreneurs, because we won't be here forever, so we should have some happy moments while we are still here and young. In today's article, I will tell you guys one way in which entrepreneurs can start living a happier life.


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Spend Time With Friends

True friendship is the spice of life. A friend is someone with whom you can share your deepest thoughts and your inner most self with. We tend to open up more to friends because we share most of our fun and mischievous moments with them. Good friends can enrich our life in many ways. Good friends can teach you about your own self and challenge you to better. They encourage you to keep going when times get tough and celebrate your success with you. Having friends brings more happiness into your life than virtually anything else. Spending time with happy and positive minded friends can elevate your mood, promote happiness and boost your outlook at life. Spending time with friends makes you smile more and smiling more has been proven to help you feel happier.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

When spending time with friends, you can do fun activities, that you both enjoy doing which will make you feel more relax and laugh a bit. It will greatly improve your mood. For instance, me, I always visit my friend every weekend, not to chat or have fun, just to spend some time with her. Sometimes we might not even talk, but I feel happy around her and when I resume work on Monday, I feel good. Sometimes, we talk and share quality advice that have helped achieved some of our personal goals. And when I don't go to her place, she comes to my place. I like to garden, so we go to my small garden. I like to keep myself grounded in nature, so I choose gardening because it not only help me stay in touch with nature but also boost my mood, leaving me feeling happy. More so my favorite smell is the smell of earth also known as Rain Smell. Breathing in the smell of dirt from the earth lift my spirit and make me feel happy. A study found out that the bacteria commonly found in soil produce have similar effects to antidepressant drugs. Cool right? I know 😉. Knowing this, I'm sure you won't mind spending more time in your gardens or get a garden 🙂. After me and my friend take care of garden, we head out to beach to feel the ocean breeze and gist about things that happened to us during the week. As entrepreneurs, we are mostly busy, taking one or two hours doing something unproductive is not easy, but spending time with "good" friend(s) is not unproductive, because we all need some emotional and mental support & encourage and most importantly, we need a bit of break from work to have fun and enjoy life.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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