RE: My Second Power Up Day

"I also came across this really cool group who are making a game at the moment for the Hive blockchain which is going to be a First and Third-person shooter set in a dystopian cyberpunk world."

That sounds just like my type of thing ... so I had better avoid it, haha. I already don't have time to focus on what I know that I should be doing; what I returned to the social blockchain for. I'm so very tempted to take a look at Psyber X now! 😁

" the month of February, I grew my HP from 100 to 150."

This is my goal for March 2022. However, I do not / can not afford to contribute fiat currency to my HIVE account, as I don't have the spare disposable income for that. My gains over the last couple of months have mainly been from powering down my old legacy social blockchain accounts, and powering up my new @frittro account.

"Well, okay 152.108, which I think is a major achievement."

I totally agree! Well done matey, that is a great achievement. I hope that I will do so well in March.

"Since the 1st of January, I have posted daily to Hive and I think that has really helped me boost my account."

I still struggle with this. Being a bit of a perfectionist, it takes me a while to knock out a new post, and I strive for quality over quantity. This is no disparagement of anyone else's blogging abilities; and is more about my own limitations. It takes me longer than most people to achieve what I would consider a blog post that is worthy of hitting the "Publish" button on. In short, I am my own worst critic!

"The bee with a 12 beside it would look a lot nicer than one with a 2 after all."

I salute you! Your account growth for February looks a lot more consistent than mine was, and clearly your efforts with daily posting are paying off.

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