Is the trend always my friend in forex?

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

Here’s an old adage that I’m sure you’ve been told at least once on your own trading journey.

That of course being that in forex, the trend is always your friend.

While this maxim is a fundamental rule for many forex traders, it's imperative you recognise that the forex market, at times, presents scenarios where contrarian strategies are actually the right play.

Not always.

But they do exist.

Let's start by considering a scenario where the trend is indeed your friend.

You’ve opened up your charts to be greeted by a robust, well defined bullish market trend.

Waiting for any sort of pullback and buying to align yourself with this prevailing direction is the obvious move.

During a prolonged uptrend such as this, having the right trading strategy to filter out all shorts and only taking long positions, will statistically yield you more winners than losers.

Judging the momentum of any trend is up to you, however it acts as a supportive force that facilitates you being able to capture a portion of the move, without the need for pinpoint timing.

Aligning yourself with the higher time frame trend allows you to trade smarter, not harder.

Now with that being said, let's now also address those times when the trend proves to be… less accommodating.

In periods of market congestion or volatility, adhering blindly to the prevailing trend is a surefire way to lose money.

I want you to envision a currency pair trapped in a sideways movement, exhibiting neither a strong upward or downward trend.

During such phases, blindly adhering to whatever trend you think you can spot on a lower time frame chart is nothing more than guesswork.


This is where my answer to the question changes.

In choppy markets such as these, no, the trend isn’t always my friend and adopting a contrarian stance becomes prudent.

For instance, another example would be a currency pair entrenched in a prolonged range.

Just clearly defined chop, bouncing up and down.

Rather than adhering strictly to trading only in the direction of the non-existent prevailing trend, you could instead identify critical support and resistance levels within the range.

Then strategically enter counter-trend positions near these levels, allowing you to capitalise on market oscillations and capture your profits as prices fluctuate within the established boundaries set by the market.

Something that needs to be said here is that Irrespective of whether I'm trading with the trend, or taking a counter-trend approach, my primary objective remains consistent – securing a portion of the market movement.

I’m never going to time the market perfectly and buy the bottom then sell the top, so instead I focus on securing a profitable segment while diligently managing my risk.

Adaptability and a measured approach are paramount if you’re to make money in this game.

While the trend frequently proves to be a reliable ally, it's crucial you remain receptive to the prospect of counter-trend moves when the market presents them.

The objective isn't unwavering loyalty to the trend.

But rather a calculated and flexible approach, adjusting your trading strategy based on the ever-shifting dynamics of the market landscape.

Navigating the forex markets with precision requires a nuanced understanding of when to rely on the trend and when to consider it’s not your friend.

An ability that all comes with experience.

Best of probabilities to you.

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