Does Elon Musk own Shiba Inu coin?

Does Elon Musk own Shiba Inu coin?

The self-proclaimed Dogefather today Tweeted that he does NOT own any Shiba Inu coin in his portfolio.

While Elon may have a cute as fuck Shiba Inu puppy named Floki and enjoy lapping up the attention from the SHIB army, he actually doesn’t hold any Shiba Inu coin.

Elon Musk getting asked on Twitter if he owns any Shiba Inu coin and saying no.


How does that old saying go again?

“Never ask questions that you don’t want to know the answer to!”

Something like that anyway.

But alas, Elon’s army of blind dog-themed meme coin enthusiasts didn’t stop there, doubling down on their line of questioning while they had their dear leader’s attention.

Elon Musk was then asked if he owned any FLOKI which he again said no to.

Uh oh, no FLOKI either?

Come on guys, just stop.

Cut your losses and walk away from the table.

It’s time.

Did Elon’s Tweet cause Shiba Inu to drop?

But the thing is, nobody in SHIB is actually losing money right now, with the price of Shiba Inu coin continuing to print new highs.

What a time to be alive!

As those of you who already read my blog know, I’m extremely anti-meme coin.

I just can’t see a scenario in which an army of retail traders buying what is essentially centralised dog shit (did you see what I did there?), can end well.

End well for anyone other than the handful of insider and founding whale addresses who hold the majority of tokens and power that is…


I’m the fool holding HIVE and putting time into contributing tangible value in the form of evergreen content, while the Shiba Inu price just continues to go up.

Shiba Inu coin price chart from TradingView showing price going vertically up.

Vertically up.

Just simply wow.

I stand by my Shiba Inu coin is a scam sentiment, but the answer to a question that I know I’m going to get in the comments is:

Yes, I feel like a twat right now!

Haha, oh lordie.

What crypto does Elon Musk own then?

But while I’m just a humble LeoFinance content creator, it seems that those on much higher paygrades than me actually agree.

Most notably one rich as fuck alien known as Elon Musk.

That’s right, one of the richest men in the world is telling you directly that he owns only Bitcoin, Ethereum... and Dogecoin.

Consider doing what Elon does and not what Elon says, especially when you see the Bitcoin numbers that he’s publicly putting on Tesla’s balance sheet.

I’d hasten a guess that they’re just a little bigger than his personal stash of DOGE.

Either way, I just can’t get over the way the retail crowd continues to hang on Elon’s every bated breath like he’s going to vomit dog sats directly into their mouths.

Yikes, okay that imagery was a little wilder than I has first intended.

Anyway, just something for you to consider on a Monday!

Best of probabilities to you.

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

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