Buying a house is better.


Hi lovely hivers,
Welcome to my blog and I want to appreciate your kind gesture in reading this post. I will share some of my thoughts on what I title Buying house is better. Before I advance I would like to explain some concepts.

what does buying a house mean?

When I am kept in dilemma to choose from renting versus buying a house for such I stand with buying a house. I will later drop more reasons why I said so.
What ever you rent is temporary and you don't have requisite right to do certain things within the confined of the house. On the other hand buying a house entails..

  • Acquiring a house which makes you a landlord.
  • Buying a house means you own a house and you can do whatever you want.

Why buying a house is better.

As I it was mentioned in some explanation above, I would like to share more on why I said buying a house is better.
I would like to share my personal experience with you. I stay in a rented house though it's beautiful and has some basic amenities for living however there are lots of limitations that has great impact on me.
I have this flare for animal husbandry and having a confined space for some gardens/ recreational center. I can't achieve this aspiration simply because the land is not my own. Creating a new structure won't be accepted because I am not the owner of the house. The only thing I can do is to be at the mercy of my land lord also obey the rules.

I discovered that the space both inside and outside is not sufficient for my self and family to use. This necessitated me to aquire my own land to build my own house. Now my children can play freely, ride their bicycles. The small garden has really helped now to curtail the expenses of some soup ingredients. Certain plants have been planted which gives a conducive atmosphere for recreational activities.

My dream for establishing an animal husbandry has became a reality and not just that but had to diversify even into small farming because of the large space of the land that is remaining. I am very comfortable with the number of rooms I have and the kind of structure I cherished. I am not compelled to remit any rent monthly. I managed all my utilities and know accurately the value of what I do.

Buying a house creates a good peaceful atmosphere for undisturbed existence. You become a master and manager of everything.

Buying a house saves a lot of money that would help the family.

thanks for visiting my blog and all the comments appreciated.

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