I did the unthinkable today !!


Well, when I started a few months ago on Leo financial, I never thought I'd go so crazy about this place that'd decide to even try this. I still have some unpublished posts. I was just starting it.

Announces first comment #leomarkettalk. It was a challenge months for me, so I figured why not go all out in this time.
Might also post in the daily if I plan to be active here every day I'd like to comment on the LMT thread.
So I reached this milestone for the first time. I think I did it totally. And most people wouldn't count it asa base post, but that's okay. I did pretty good, man.


So, I reached a milestone at this moment for the first time mate. I think I did some of the posts in total. And most people wouldn't count it asa base post, but that's okay. I did pretty well.
A milestone was reached this month.

  1. Thefirstspeaker thetaskmaster4450le
    Tfranzini, jfang003, and magnacarta
    Commenting on LMT thread during the course of several months. The post isn't quite up at one point I'll be out of the RCS because my delegates are canceled. I won the previous contest, the task has to delegate some to me to get back on track, my friend. It was an experience that made me fun & great learning talking to some amazing people at Leo financial's.
    I think I did a little more than a few overall comments on a wonderful platform

#archon #ctp #leofinance

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