Cub Finance : The Journey In Two Experiences

There are many ways for your money to grow and develop in the crypto world even if you do nothing. You can do other jobs out there regardless of what you've invested in.

You only need to open your account at a later date and reap the profits from your previous investments. You just need to do a little research on a few buttons and leave it for a few days so you will see a lot of progress in it. No need to make daily visits , just take a look every week and will be very happy with the results.

Here I will share a few easy ideas for those of you who are still beginners about increasing your money. An application that offers convenience to its users who have recruited many people in the crypto world.
20210615_022850.png is my recommendation to double your money in this investment method. That looks very difficult for this job, even though this is not what you fear.

The first experience :

At that time I released Cake on Pancakeswap with the aim of transferring from Cub Dens to Farm Cub. Because the deposit fee was then 4% in Cub Dens the figure changed to 5.83 from the previous 6.00.

*Why did it happen ?"
By @leofinance downgraded APY and its multiplier in this system so they banned users from removing Cake from Hive. If not, you will be notified to withdraw the funds within 24 hours.

It turns out that this is a stupid thing that I have done in this first round. I lost Cake and did not get it back against the costs I had spent.
Then I switched to farming Alice. With 0.17 Alice from what I've converted Cake 3.40 to CUB which is 20.07 in total. I only got 0.17 Alice because just yesterday, I decided to unpack and convert the 3.40 cake to CUB which has a total of 20.07.
Here I am using the Defi project developed by @leofinance where many of the developers already know. At that time I decided to Unstake because APY had started to drop while I only had 5.83 Cake.

Why did I convert CUB instead of leaving Cake alone to farm?

APY that has dropped, If I farm with Cake 5.83 then I will lose 4% again so I can't produce many children, Because my Cake is too small. But if I change it to CUB, Maybe I will have 20 CUB and it will be more than 5 Cake.
Starting from an investment of $ 54 with a breakdown of 20 CUB and 0.68 of a loss , I was able to get 0.092 with a value of $ 0.27 after the bet runs in 24 hours . If only I stayed longer in CUB maybe I would reach 10$-15$, Not bad!
After the job was done, I transferred it to Binance with the intention of selling it. My previous investment of $61 has changed to 99$ after I released it that means I have managed to collect a profit of 38$.

That was the first experience and progress I experienced when I first jumped into the latest project.

Secound Of My experience:

After I finished combining the CUB that I got in CubDefi, I tried Compounding or transferring the CUB into the ongoing betting team for a bet progress. Because DubDefi, besides being able to Staking, we can also try Farming with pairing.
Now I have 6,218 CUB in the Nest and in the Farm. I staked my Cub in Dens while I also staked some on the Farm with CUB/BUSD LP.

I've bet this pair only this month, and this is what I have now.
At that time I was able to collect 4 CUB on the farm, while in Dens I already had 1.8 CUB.
Placing bets in pairs is a good option if you want a passive advantage. However, before taking investment actions like this, make sure you first DYOR.

This is my experience ! How about yours? Thanks @leo.voter | @leofinance.

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